Total (13363)
Itzel Reyes Duarte - Nov 12, 2020
en esta unidad empezaremos a ver trabajos y colocaciones acerca de "trabajo" y "trabajar", se abarcará también las preposiciones. los estudiantes aprenderán el presente continuo y su uso en el idioma inglés.
Alberto Robles - May 24, 2020
in this week, students will asssess their knowledge of all the objectives and lessons covered in unit 7. they will have a kahoot to answer their vocabulary and grammar test. then they will answer the dictation, listening, and reading test in a google questionnaire. finally, they will do a writing ...
Mary Guarango - Abr 29, 2020
wh-questions son preguntas informativas o mas conocidas como wh-questions que se les utiliza para obtener mas información que un simple si o no
Magda Quintero - Abr 27, 2020
.unit 7 - in this unit students will be learning about the entertainment industry, mostly based on television programs. vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, speaking and writing about this subject.
Magda Quintero - Abr 26, 2020
this week you will read, write and talk about natural resources. the story of the week is called "gold" we will practice main idea and details in a story. learn the story vocabulary and learn to use the words in sentences. practice spelling suffixes - ism, -age, -ure. comparative and ...
Magda Quintero - Abr 26, 2020
this week you will read, write and talk about natural changes. the story of the week is called "the river that went to the sky". learn the story vocabulary and learn to use the words in sentences. practice spelling compound words and using the words this, that, these and those.
Alondra Carrasco - Abr 26, 2020
.this week (20/04/20 – 24/04/20) we will be looking and reviewing unit 5 and 6, this will just be a refresh for students. these two units are more focused in reported speech and conditionals, students did had trouble doing this type of exercises and as well in there unit test. ...
Magaly Ramirez - Abr 26, 2020
. bienvenidos al curso de inglés, un programa de idiomas para la primaria y niños de la escuela primaria que aprenden inglés americano como segundo idioma. el inglés de la nave estelar mejora el idioma inglés aprendizaje con metas claras establecidas en una variedad de prácticas y tareas de aprendizaje ...
Mery Atiencia - Abr 26, 2020
en el pca de 8vo año de egb, se debe desarrollar diferentes destrezas basicas, para lo cual se ha visto la necesidad de dominar el verbo to-be que es la base para poder arrancar con el aprendizaje del idioma ingles en la basica suerior. la temática específica a ser tratada ...
Ana Gabriela Hernandez Guilcapi - Abr 25, 2020
introducción en el pca de 9eno año de egb, se debe desarrollar diferentes destrezas, para lo cual se ha visto prudente desarrollar el presente material que es lo suficientemente intuitivo para el uso de los estudiantes. la temática específica a ser tratada es superlativos y comparativos. identificar el uso de las reglas gramaticales al ...
Magda Quintero - Abr 20, 2020
unit 7 - in this unit students will be learning about the entertainment industry, mostly based on television programs. vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, speaking and writing about this subject.
Gabriela Nuñez - Abr 19, 2020
during this week students of third grade will reinforce the knowledge prevoiously obtained, about, writting an invitation, the vowel pattern ei, eigh comparative an superlative adverbs, also vocabulary and spelling words of the week. we are gonna work on a project where our result will be a digital invitation to a ...
Paola Estefania Torres Rodriguez - Mar 30, 2020
bienvenidos a su portal de la materia de ingles el conocimiento de un idioma extranjero es una necesidad básica para los profesionales. necesidad, no ayuda, ni complemento. hoy día para tener éxito en la vida profesional y hacer nuestra vida más fácil, es importante empezar a estudiar o mejorar nuestro nivel ...
Angelica Campos - Mar 22, 2020
hello! let's start this course with a review of some of the present tenses in english. have a look at the grammar notes on this page and do the practice activites. you'll have a chance to see these tenses in action in sessions 3 and 4. good luck!
Héctor Fabio Bianchá - Mar 16, 2020
the objective with this project is having students reconstruct a historical period through the design of a timeline. history is inescapable and it is important for students to understand the legacies of the past in the present. understanding the linkages between past and present is absolutely basic for a good ...
Juan Manuel Aragon - Mar 16, 2020
through this project, the students integrate their writing, reading, research, grammar and vocabulary skills in a single final result that is a brochure that presents a place in their city. with paragraph-by-paragraph writing, students learn to develop an article and use the vocabulary in context while making evident the grammatical theme ...
Juan Manuel Aragon - Mar 16, 2020
through this project, the students integrate their writing, reading, research, grammar and vocabulary skills in a single final result that is a video that presents a touristic plan in cali. with paragraph-by-paragraph writing, students learn to develop an article and use the vocabulary in context while making evident the grammatical theme ...
Lucy Ryn - Feb 05, 2020
estimado estudiante de educación primaria, te damos la bienvenida a un curso online gratuito en el que aprenderás de manera significativa a escribir y hablar en inglés, un idioma fundamental en la actualidad para poder alcanzar nuevas metas en el futuro. en este curso aprenderás cada uno de los temas ...
Jaime Londono Gomez - Ene 18, 2020
this exercise attempts to anchor vocabulary, expressions and grammatical variations of the english language by practicing the four skills with topics that foster critical thinking and one's location in space, time and history. the topic is geologic times with emphasis on vocabulary and expressions related to emotions while practicing the use of ...
Pedro Naranjas - - - -
soy maestro de idiomas en un instituo de veracruz. uno de mis hobbies es crear sitios web y actualmente tengo uno con información sobre las mejores escuelas, academias y universidades en todo el mundo, donde hablo a detalle cuales son las mejores opciones para estudiar en cada ciudad