WebQuest Lengua Extranjera Inglés English Level 4 (20/04/20 - 24/04/20)
English Level 4 (20/04/20 - 24/04/20)
Publicado el 26 Abril de 2020
Autor: Alondra Carrasco
.This week (20/04/20 – 24/04/20) we will be looking and reviewing unit 5 and 6, this will just be a refresh for students. These two units are more focused in reported speech and conditionals, students did had trouble doing this type of exercises and as well in there unit test. This is why I will be reviewing two or three days to refresh there mind and can go to the next unit, this will depend all in how I see their improvement. Unit 7 is based in advanced passive forms, which they will be doing part of some vocabulary, grammar, listening, reading, speaking and writing as we have been doing all year long.
Ficha técnica
Área:Lengua Extranjera
Edad: No hay restriccion de edad
Notice: Undefined index: in /home/edutek/www/proyectos/gp/webquest/ver.php on line 148
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- Monday: Review worksheet in Reported Speech
- Tuesday: Review worksheet in Conditionals
- Wednesday: Prepare for a 10-15 minute vocabluary quiz, MyEnglisLab assignments
- Thursday: MyEnglishLab assignment
- Friday: Prepare for a 10-15 grammar quiz on Monday
During our Zoom classes everyday we will be going through the worksheet and 7.1 so everyone can understand everything and if any questions I will be glad to help. When turning in your worksheets you will need to go to Edmodo (teacher will create and assignement) and turn them in as an assignments, remember there is always time to turn in this type of this. Also, when we do the book you will be sending pictures of you proof that you did do the activity of the day; MyEnglishLab percentage is what your grade goes in to so please do your best to complete these assignments.
- .Focus 4 Book
- Computer
- MyEnglishLab
- Kahoot.it
- Zoom.us
- .Worksheets
- Quiz
- Evidence of activity of the day (Edmodo)
- MyEnglishLab 7.1 and assignments
Proyecto Creado Por Alondra Carrasco Utilizando A Eduteka.org
*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.