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Proyecto Arte Apreciación Artística What Is Insomnia? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, And Prevention

What Is Insomnia? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, And Prevention

Publicado el 18 Agosto de 2023

Autor: jennydevin


It's easy to imagine how terrible a night of sleeplessness can affect you. Take that one terrible night by weeks, or months and you'll comprehend why insomnia can have an enormous physical and mental impact on individuals.

In the eyes of the law, even only a few nights of sleep can be considered an episode of insomnia. By itself one or two nights of sleeplessness isn't an issue that needs to be addressed. However, a couple of nights of poor sleep could quickly become a chronic issue. It's the nights of sleepless nights that cause the most stress on the brain and body.


If you're struggling to fall asleep You're not alone. It is estimated that 10 percent of people are suffering from insomnia chronically and that between fifteen and thirty percent people suffer from some form of insomnia that lasts between a few days and three months or more. (2)

These numbers are alarming since sleep is among the essential elements of a healthy lifestyle. If you're not sleeping the hours you require and deserve, you may be putting your health at risk.

"Epidemiological studies show that lack of sleep is associated with obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, even Alzheimer's," says Sara Nowakowski, PhD, Clinical psychotherapist and researcher in sleep in the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Other effects of insomnia include a higher risk of developing mental disorders as well as motor vehicle crashes. In terms of health, she says: "Sleep is just as important as diet and other lifestyle behaviors."

This is why tackling sleeping disorders and getting assistance you require is essential.

What is the cause of insomnia?

Sleepiness is usually not caused by any one cause alone, but it could be caused by a variety of triggers and causes. The most common causes are medical illnesses (like chronic pain, arthritis and neurological disorders) or medication, mental disorders (like anxiety, depression and schizophrenia), ADHD) and unhealthy sleeping routines, stress, or traumatizing incidents. Sleep disorders that aren't as obvious, like restless legs, sleep apnea syndrome or night terrors can cause insomnia too.

What Is Insomnia: Defining Both Acute and Chronic Insomnia

Insomnia is among the most frequent sleep disorders. Contrary to many others, this one comes with an extremely straightforward definition. "Insomnia means an inability to sleep," declares Gerard J. Meskill, MD, an neurologist and specialist in sleep disorders in the Tri Coastal Narcolepsy and Sleep Disorders Center in Texas. The symptoms of insomnia are being able to fall asleep and not being able to stay asleep through the night, or waking up late in the day.

In particular the two types of insomnia: chronic and acute. An acute type of insomnia is when you have difficulty sleeping for an hour or so and even if it's just for a single night. "Virtually everybody gets acute insomnia every once in a while," Dr. Meskill says. However, this type of insomnia is usually so short-lasting that when the reason for it is gone, you can return to normal sleeping patterns.

Insomnia can be a problem. It is a problem that if left untreated and not dealt with could result in chronic insomnia for a longer time.

Chronic insomnia can be more severe and causes difficulties sleeping for three or more each week, for three months. Patients suffering from chronic insomnia experience disruptions in their daytime performance, such as insomnia, irritability, sleepiness, anxiety, or having difficulty being attentive, focusing on things, or remembering what they are doing and what they have done, According to Dr. Nowakowski.

Although acute insomnia is usually able to be resolved without the help of a professional, the same cannot be said for people suffering from chronic insomnia. The people with chronic insomnia need to collaborate with a professional who is trained and the earlier they get someone on board and begin working together, the faster they can prevent their issues from getting worse and therefore making it more difficult to fix.

Signs and Symptoms of Insomnia

The process of determining if you suffer from insomnia is usually not difficult. Most of the time you can tell when you're having trouble sleeping. "Most patients see me already knowing their diagnosis," Meskill states.

However, there are people who might not be aware of their insomnia. "It's possible that these people have so much going on that they might perceive symptoms of daytime fatigue as a result of other chronic health conditions or a busy schedule," He says.

A wait of 30 minutes or more to sleep at night is a sign that you suffer from insomnia. (4) If it comes to waking up in the middle of the night, many people experience one or two of them each night. However, if they tend to last longer than a couple of minutes or seconds which means that you're completely awake and unable to return to sleep this is a sign of insomnia.

Awakening earlier in the day, before you are planning to sleep (and thereby cutting the total amount of sleep you get for the night) is also an indication of insomnia.

Be aware that adults require at least seven hours of rest each night. There are many individual variations in sleeping requirements: some require only seven hours to be completely rested, while others require more than nine hours. Everyone will experience an unpleasant night's rest occasionally. However, if you're getting up within 5 or 6 hours after settling down often, you're in trouble in the words of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Alongside having difficulty getting to sleep sleeping, or not staying asleep, or getting up at a too early time in the morning typical symptoms of insomnia include:


Troubles with concentration or focus

Poor memory

Mood disturbance

Sleepiness at night

Motivation and energy levels aren't as high.

Accidents or errors that are more frequent

If you're concerned about your sleep, discuss it with your doctor. The doctor will direct you to a certified sleep expert.


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Asignatura:Apreciación Artística

Edad: - Entre 17 y mas de 17 años



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Asignatura:Apreciación Artística

Edad: - Entre 17 y mas de 17 años



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