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Modulos Módulo Inglés Nivel 2
El recurso presentado busca que los estudiantes escuchen el vocabulario de deportes y actividades de tiempo libre, de las cuales deben tomar apuntes para posteriormente practicar su pronunciación, hacer una lista del vocabulario y para repasar cuando sea necesario.
El recurso presentado busca que los estudiantes se familiaricen con el vocabulario de deportes y actividades de tiempo libre por medio de un video en linea.
El recurso presentado busca que los estudiantes escuchen y transcriban las letras del alfabeto para que se familiaricen con la pronunciación y mejoren su comprensión auditiva.
El recurso presentado busca que los estudiantes escuchen, organicen, comprendan, pronuncien, reciten y canten rimas con ritmo y entonación adecuados relacionado con el alfabeto para practicar la habilidad comunicativa
El recurso presentado busca que los estudiantes lean en vos alta la historia del alfabeto, practiquen el sonido de la z e identifiquen palabras relacionadas con esta letra para responder preguntas de comprensión de lectura.
El recurso presentado busca que los estudiantes escuchen, copien y transcriban las letras del alfabeto, para identificar sonidos similares y formar palabras relacionadas con las letras que escuchan para practicar la escritura de diferentes palabras
El recurso presentado busca que los estudiantes se familiaricen con la pronunciación, escriban y practiquen los números del 1 al 100
Through this project, the students integrate their writing, reading, research, grammar and vocabulary skills in a single final result that is a brochure that presents a place in their city. With paragraph-by-paragraph writing, students learn to develop an article and use the vocabulary in context while making evident the grammatical theme have learnt. With the reading of the finished articles and an additional activity to check the effectiveness of the reading, the students learn to focus their attention on the important points of each article, since they have done something similar. With the surveys, they are forced to practice their English with other people and to take it out of classrooms. With the brochure, they condense all what they have learnt into a product.
Through this project, the students integrate their writing, reading, research, grammar and vocabulary skills in a single final result that is a video that presents a place in their city. With paragraph-by-paragraph writing, students learn to develop an article and use the vocabulary in context while making evident the grammatical theme have learnt. With the surveys, they are forced to practice their English with other people and to take it out of classrooms. With the recording of the video, they condense all what they have learned into a product.
The Talk show Proyect is a communicative task which will challenge the students to use their knowledge in comparing famous characters and debate about which artist, singer, actor, actress, sportsperson is better than the other in a certain field. At the end of the task students will be asked to vote for their favorites in terms of who was able to convince the class using appropriate comparatives and superlatives and relevant and compelling information. The core of the activity will be done using the style of a talk show in which two random picked students will defend their points of views, the activity will be developed in two sessions.
El recurso presentado busca que los estudiantes practiquen su habilidad lectora en inglés por medio de un póster donde se informa sobre horarios de deportes y actividades de tiempo libre en una universidad.