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WebQuest Lengua Extranjera Inglés Social Networking: The Ninth Multiple Intelligence

Social Networking: The Ninth Multiple Intelligence

Publicado el 29 Mayo de 2021

Autor: Sebastian Ramirez Zapata



Currently, social networking has become an important part of our daily life, providing us with groups of different websites and applications which allow us to create and share content, connect, communicate, and interact with other people, or even we can use them with a business purpose. That is why, it has become another multiple intelligence, since a lot of people have access to it and manage different applications for multiple objectives. However, although social networking has several advantages, it has also presented some disadvantages to take into consideration when we are going to use them. For this reason, it is essential to use these websites appropriately overcoming the challenges that it presents and taking the most of the opportunities that it give us.



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Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: No hay restriccion de edad






Herramientas: recopilar información



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Páginas Web



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Taking into account the topic of social networking in relation to multiple intelligences, the following activities are proposed:

WEEK 1: Grammar Topic: Modal of deduction and speculation

Activity 1: Watch a video and create a mind map

Activity 2: Make an interview to a teacher or to a classmate.

Activity 3: Create a video and a blog to share with the classmates all the information obtained in the interview.

WEEK 2: Grammar Topic: Adjectives and Adverbs

Activity 1: Create a word cloud to answer the question Why is social media a tool for learning? and Why do you think that social networks could be considered a ninth intelligence?

Activity 2: Construction of infographics with search result information on search platforms such as academic google and academic repositories.

Activity 3: Making an audio explaining the infographic and describing the information used, using adjectives and adverbs.

WEEK 3: Grammar topic: Reported speech

Activity 1: Search for articles, different news, texts, among others that talk about the history of social networking

Activity 2: Make the timeline on the Visme interactive platform using the information searched before.

Activity 3: Make a newscast through a video using the reported speech


The students will create an advertising campaign and then they will reflect about the results of all the activities that they did. 

Each of the activities are designed for one week accompanied by a final project as a result of the learning obtained.




WEEK 1: 
  1. Watch the following video and later, create a mind map about the different aspects of the video: https://youtu.be/0nwlUZcMci8
  2. Make an interview to a teacher, classmate or relative taking into account the following questions:
  • What is social networking?
  • Can social networking sites be dangerous?
  • What precautions would you advise people to take?
  • Should the use of social networking sites be banned at work?
  • Are social networking sites changing our daily behaviour?
  • Is it possible to become a social networking addict?
  1. Create a video in which you will show your findings, also, you will use modals of deduction and speculation to advice people about the correct use of social networking.
  2. Finally, create a blog for presenting the different aspect about social networking


1. Create a word cloud to answer the question Why is social media a learning tool? and Why do you think social networks could be considered a ninth intelligence? you can do them through the Mentimeter.com platform

2.Construction of infographics with information from search results on search platforms such as academic google and academic repositories. You can use Canva and then download the file as a png image or as a pdf.

3. Make an audio explaining the infographic and describing the information used, using adjectives and adverbs. The intent of this audio is to present it as a podcast to classmates.

WEEK 3: 

Make a timeline presenting the evolution of social networks through history and how they have influenced or not the timely and truthful help of information. To do this, take into account the following steps that will be of great help in the development of your timeline:

1.  Search for articles, different news, texts, among others that talk about the history of social networks.

2. Make the timeline on the Visme interactive platform. The link is the following: https://www.visme.co/es/linea-de-tiempo/

3. Clearly present the evolution of different social networks through history. Remember to use pictures and different graphics to accompany your presentation.

Make a newscast through a video using the reported speech, where you explain the evolution of social networks and how you are, they have helped society in a timely and truthful way. 


Students must create an advertising campaign through a social network such as instagram, twitter, facebok or a blogpost page with the purpose of generating positive thoughts about social networks and the possibility of thinking of themselves as a ninth intelligence and as a tool for construction of new learnings.
The social network should include interactive images and striking publications accompanied by short reflections on social networks and positive experiences of working on the internet.

Students are proposed to create a padlet wall to share the opinions and reflections obtained in the process of construction and publication of the advertising campaign.


.In this section you will find the links and the videos that you will need to do the activities: 

MENTIMETER.COM https://www.mentimeter.com/

How to make word cloud in mentimeter VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3UuTiH5krg

Canva: https://www.canva.com/es_419/

How to create a web site: https://themeisle.com/blog/make-a-website-with-wix/#:~:text=To%20make%20a%20website%20with%20Wix%2C%20you%20will%20first%20need,sign%2Dup%20process%20is%20complete.

Time line platform: https://www.visme.co/es/linea-de-tiempo/




Taking into account this rubric we can evaluate the different activities:






Expresses very well the information orally and in writing form through an organized and coherent infographic using adjectives and adverbs in the construction of sentences.

Expresses well the information through an organized and coherent infographic using some adjectives and adverbs in the construction of sentences.

Analyze the information about the topic and create an infographic using some important information in the construction of sentences.

The information searched is not clear or precise and presents the information in a disorderly way and with some mistakes.

Does not express well orally and in writing the information searched and does not show interest in the realization of infographics.

Uses very good different web pages to search appropriate information about the social networking using educational platforms or academic search engines such as google academic to create words clouds an infographics.

Uses good different web pages to do the activities proposed and uses appropriate information about the social networking presented in an infographic.

Search appropriate information about the social networking but does not use properly different web pages.

Does not present coherence information about the social networking and the activities are presented in disorder way.

Does not use different web pages to search information about the topic and does not use educational platform to create the infographics or the others activities.

Demonstrates a process of investigation and inquiry through different sources that help support the construction of your timeline.

Research and inquire through some sources that help you support your timeline.

Does little research on some sources to support ideas presented on the timeline.

There is little evidence of research and investigation of bibliographic sources that help support their ideas on the timeline.


No investigation of information is evidenced.

Makes excellent use of reported speech through the newscast to give an account of the progress, help, and difficulties that different social networks have generated throughout history.

Use reported speech through the newscast to give an account of the progress, help, and difficulties that the different social networks have generated in history.

Most of the time he uses reported speech on his newscast to give an account of some progress, help, and difficulties that social networks have generated.


Little appropriation of reported speech is evidenced in the construction of its newscast to talk about the progress, help, and difficulties of social networks in history.

He does not use reported speech in his presentation and the newscast does not present what was requested. 

Analyze and interpret main and complete information to register it in a graphic organizer

Analyze and interpret important ideas to register them in a graphic organizer

Analyze some information to register it in a graphic organizer

There is little evidence of information in the graphic organizer

There is not evidence of information or ideas regarding the topic

Show different aspects related to social networking though a video supporting his/her ideas in a coherent way and using different modals of deduction and speculation.

Show different aspects related to social networking though a video supporting his/her ideas and using some modals of deduction and speculation.

Show some aspects related to social networking though a video, using some modals of deduction and speculation.

Little use of modals of deduction and speculation is evidence in the video with a little information related to social networking

The video doesn’t present the requested aspects and it is not evidence of the appropriation of modals of deduction and speculation.


This is the rubric fot the final project:







It accounts for the socialized questions excellently through an advertising campaign on various social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter)

Present the questions socialized through an advertising campaign carried out on any of the social networks (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter)

It accounts for some of the questions socialized through an advertising campaign carried out on social networks.

Little evidence of the socialized questions in their advertising campaign.

The socialized questions or the construction of the advertising campaign are not evident.


.This Webquest was created to the final class of Communicative competence V - UPB 2021


Created By:&Nbsp;

Yohana Andrea Ciro Montes

Sebastian Ramirez Zapata

AndrÉS Jiovany Serna Zuluaga

Responsive image

*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

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Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: No hay restriccion de edad






Herramientas: recopilar información



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Páginas Web



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