WebQuest Lengua Extranjera Inglés The Environment
The Environment
Publicado el 29 Mayo de 2021
Autor: Valentina Duque
In recent years, human beings have been looking for different strategies to care for and preserve the environment, since the climate and environmental changes, extinction of fauna and flora, as well as significant deforestation of forests that allow us to mitigate and reduce carbon dioxide (CO2). Today more than ever we must be aware of all the damage we have done to planet earth, as we constantly continue bleeding to continue with those secondary modes of production that only cause affections to the place and the living beings that are in the habitat.
Ficha técnica
Área:Lengua Extranjera
Edad: No hay restriccion de edad
Escritura colaborativa
Mapas de Ideas

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Taking into account the activities, the following is proposed:
1. Imagine that you are the president of the Republic and that you have to give a speech about deforestation in the Amazon. How would you do it? What strategies would you use?
2. Design an audio ad to be broadcast on a radio station. To do this, you must propose strategies to mitigate environmental changes today.
3. Make an infographic where you write 10 ways to help preserve the environment, and explain the step and step of one of them.
4. Conduct an interview with someone about the environmental damage that has been evidenced in recent years and solutions are presented.
Mini proyect:
1. Complete the following mental map where you draw, explain various actions that human beings do and cause damage to the environment.
2. Write what strategies you can use to help with these problems
3. Create a podcast where they talk about how from the position of student can contribute to caring for the environment and cause a significant improvement so that the environmental impact improves
1. Read the following text called "What is climate change? A really simple guide" You will find it on the following link : Text
2. Read the following article on the environmental pollution of industrial companies in Colombia. Link: Article
1. Listen to the following podcast: Podcast on "Climate keeping you up at night?" take notes and then socialize.
2. Listen to the following song:
1. Look at the following image and describe what you can observe in it.
2. Make a card where you give your classmates 5 reasons to take care of the environment.
3. Write a letter to a rector where you give him ideas of what strategies he can use to take care of the environment in the school.
1. Make an exposition where one of the polluting agents harmful to the environment is discussed.
2. In groups there will be a hypothetical situation related to the environment and they must solve it in the best way for humanity.
The resources that are taken into account for the realization of this WebQuest are those that are indexed in each of the activities indicated
Proyecto Creado Por Valentina Duque Utilizando A Eduteka.org

*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.