WebQuest Lengua Extranjera Inglés Common English Idiomatic Expressions About Financial Status
Common English Idiomatic Expressions About Financial Status
Publicado el 03 Mayo de 2021
Autor: Gisella Suárez
Idioms are groups of words with a set meaning that is unrelated to the meanings of individual words. Sometimes called expression, an idiom can be very colorful and create an "image" in our minds.
Some common idiomatic expressions:
It's raining cats and dogs. Fake meaning in Spanish= Están lloviendo perros y gatos. Real meaning in Spanish= Llueve a cántaros.
Sample Part of Conversation
A: I bought a Guess purse in Mi Comisariato Store yesterday.
B: Really? How much does it cost? A: I have to pay through the nose in that store. (It means → it is so expensive)
Ficha técnica
Área:Lengua Extranjera
Edad: No hay restriccion de edad
Herramientas: recopilar información
Páginas Web

Crear proyectos de clase utilizando inteligencia artificial dando clic aquí
Practice the exercises in the link below: Money - matters Idioms
Write a conversation about Money-matters using Idioms in an infographic made in Canva.
First, you analize the Idiomatic Expressions given previously.
Second, look for other resources, they could be it videos or educational blogs that transfer you to clear up doubts.
Third, start by making examples that relate to your family environment.
Once done, search the Internet for the Canva website, go to the templates section, and create an infographic on the topic.
??Remember, you have to write your personal information data in your presentation.After you send the activity, this will be checked by the teacher and presented in the class.
Sentences written in the infographic that are grammatically correct will be graded.
The sentences should make complete sense.
It is essential to review the resources very well so that in this way they can clear up doubts and develop when working.
Proyecto Creado Por Gisella SuÁRez Utilizando A Eduteka.org

*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.