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WebQuest Lengua Extranjera Inglés Nueva Webquest: 2021-03-01 14:29:01

Nueva Webquest: 2021-03-01 14:29:01

Publicado el 27 Abril de 2021

Autor: Nicoline Lauristen



How to write an essay - tips, essay example

How to write an essay?

1) Find a topic, problem or phenomenon that you want to subjectively interpret.

The problem of the essay should be of a general nature, i.e. the one that will allow the author to make free divagations. At the same time, it is good for the essay topic to be properly balanced - neither too heavy and serious, nor too light (giving the impression of unimportance). The essay should be an interpretation of a particular phenomenon or problem, its interesting and brilliant approach.

2) Take care of the proper composition of the text.
One of the most important determinants of the essay is its composition.It cannot reflect the principles of rhetoric, so in the text essayontime  does not distinguish a clear introduction, development (argumentation) and conclusion.. Instead, the author should move freely from topic to topic, from one association to another. The text must therefore have the character of an outline, a rehearsal, rather than a compact, logical argument.
3. Make your own position clear.
When writing an essay, the service domywriting clearly emphasizes its own position on the question posed in the essay. This involves using the first person singular, as well as expressing a subjective opinion.
4. Adapt the style of expression to the subject of the essay.
An essay  can come in different varieties - it can be more like literature or oscillate towards journalism or a philosophical text. Depending on the dominant theme of the essay, you should take care of the appropriate style - in lighter texts it should abound in striking rhetorical figures, poetic devices and aphorisms.
Essay example:
Youth in contemporary culture
I look at the March cover of "Vanity Fair" and marvel at the beautiful Robin Wright, who, right now, in 2015 has finally arrived on the Olympus of Hollywood stars. Although I remember her great performance in the film "Forrest Gump" and subsequent significant roles, only the creation of Claire Underwood from the series "House of Cards" won the hearts of critics and audiences. Robin on the cover of the prestigious magazine, confidently looking into the camera lens, is the quintessence of the characteristics of the heroine in which she plays in the series: confident, poised, but also not devoid of feminine charm. A snow queen and a fascinating femme fatale at the same time. I wonder if a woman at the age of 48 can still be described as fascinating? What is the significance of youth in our culture? Does it alone define the prevailing canon of beauty?
"The favorites of the gods die young," Friedrich Nietzsche used to say. No one can deny the desire to stay young for as long as possible, which means being handsome, fit and healthy. It seems that the search for the elixir of youth has been subordinated to many fields of human activity: aesthetic medicine, cosmetics, fitness, etc. Cosmetics and food manufacturers encourage us to buy products that are supposed to give us a fresh and youthful appearance. Every detail is important here: shiny hair, smooth skin without wrinkles or white teeth. A slim figure is also an attribute of youth, hence the popularity of slimming measures and workouts a'la Chodakowska. It doesn't matter that a murderous effort leads to vomiting, miracle diets destroy the body, and a surgical scalpel can make the face look like a fake mask. Youth, or rather its substitute, requires sacrifices and one has to reckon with it. No one questions the sentential truth repeated like a mantra by color magazines: "a young face must be earned".

I look at Robin Wright from "Vanity Fair" and wonder how she "earned" her face. It is fair to say - her face is not perfectly smooth, around the eyes of the actress you can see fine wrinkles. I recall her role in David Fincher's "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" - there she played a journalist, the main character's lover. However, it is significant to compare the Swedish and American versions of the famous film ("Millennium: Men Who Hate Women"). Erika Berger is played by Lena Endre and her image is, to put it mildly, far from the Hollywood ideal of Robin. It is similar in the case of other characters. The comparison is significant because it clearly shows how far the cult of youth is connected with the American dream factory, the eden of mass culture.

The face of Robin Wright from "Vanity Fair" is unfortunately a lie, just like other ironed faces of mature stars smiling at us from colorful covers. Youth is not forever, even if we do our best to keep it. Meanwhile, old age in our culture has no defined place, so it has to be hidden or covered up, like the age of an American actress. Old age in the 21st century is a scandal, this is how Katarzyna Kozyra shows it in her works. The photographs of naked elderly women are meant to shock the viewer and make him aware that this is how old age is perceived in our culture.

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Proyecto Creado Por Nicoline Lauristen Utilizando A Eduteka.org

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