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WebQuest Lengua Extranjera Inglés Focus 2 Classes May 18 To 22

Focus 2 Classes May 18 To 22

Publicado el 17 Mayo de 2020

Autor: Alberto Robles


In this week Students will continue practicing the writing lesson 7.7 in MyEnglishLab and will then review all the content for Unit 7 through the Unit review in pp. 122-123. This time I want Ss to check against the objectives we traced in p.108, make a self evaluation and then design an action plan to master those areas of opportunity, where they feel a gap or weakness, and help them dominate those areas before we do the test by the last week of May. Finally, we'll continue playing Quizlet and Kahoot along the exercises of p. 122 as preparation for the Unit test.

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Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: No hay restriccion de edad


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Monday, 18th, Students will answer lesson 7.7 exercises in MyEnglishLab, and crosscheck the objectives of the Unit (p. 108) and workout an action plan to improve their knowledge in what they consider a weak area.

Tuesday, 19th, activity book p. 122, Focus in Language, play Quizlet again, and do the Language exercises of MyEnglishLab.

Wednesday, 20th, activity book p. 122, Focus in Grammar, play Kahoot again.

Thursday, 21st, activity book p. 122-123, Focus in Use of English, reading, & speaking exercises. 

Friday, 22nd, activity book p. 123, Focus in the writing exercises. MyEnglishLab, Self-check Test.


We are going to answer the exercises of the lessons during the Zoom meeting everyday, then students have to work in the assignments, which will be minimum: if it is in the book, we will check the answers using the CD_ROM on screen exercises; if it is in myenglishlab I will check your % in the portal. Then, I can also set up personal meetings to help you in case of problems.

Monday the 18th, Students go to MyEnglishLab and do 3 activities. Then go to the Activity Book pp. 108, check the objectives for this Unit, self evaluate their knowledge in the distinct areas and send a note to the T in the chat. Ss need to workout an action plan on how to dominate that or those areas. 

Tuesday the 19th, Ss do exercises 1 & 2 in p. 122, then T opens the chat for Ss to compare their A's and we check them as a class using the same exercises in the CD-ROM. T uses Quizlet Live to practice the vocabulary words from the Word List. Ss do the exercises in MyEnglishLab.

Wednesday the 20th, Ss do exercises 3 & 4 in p. 122, then T opens the chat for Ss to compare their A's and we check them as a class using the same exercises in the CD-ROM. T uses Kahoot to practice the grammar lessons from the Unit.

Thursday the 21st, Ss do exercises 5 to 9 in p. 122-123, then T opens the chat for Ss to compare their A's and we check them as a class using the same exercises in the CD-ROM.

Friday the 22nd, Ss do exercise 9 in p. 123, then T opens the chat for Ss to compare their A's, we check them as a class using the same exercise in the CD-ROM. Ss read exercise 10, then Ss use the given info to do the writing exercise 11. Ss do the self-check Test in MyEnglishLab.



Focus 2 Book pp. 108.122-123

MyEnglishLab 7.7, Word Practice (see exercises from Word Store 7), Self-check Test

Quizlet.com Focus 2 Class Unit 7 Word List (2 sets)

Zoom.us (ID 3302550910)(Psswd: Alfa2020)


Self Evaluation based on p. 108 objectives

MyEnglishLab exercises

Qustions and answers in class


Thanks to Colegio Bilingue ALFA and Pearson for their resources in creating this WebQuest


Proyecto Creado Por Alberto Robles Utilizando A Eduteka.org

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*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

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Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: No hay restriccion de edad


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