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Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Focus 2 March 22 To 26

Focus 2 March 22 To 26

Publicado el 11 Abril de 2021

Autor: Alberto Robles


In this last week of March we will practice the lessons in MyEnglishlab, and will have a day of relax before going onto the Easter holidays.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 17 y mas de 17 años - No hay restriccion de edad - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 2 sessions of about 50 minutes each on Tuesday, March 26th 2 sessions of about 50 minutes each on Tuesday, March 23rd 2 sessions of about 50 minutes each on Tuesday, March 25th 2 sessions of about 50 minutes each on Tuesday, March 24th 2 sessions of about 50 minutes each on Monday, March 22nd


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All students should update their progress in the book, lessons 6.1 through 6.7, as well as in the portal, make questions, finish the pending activities.


Focus 2 Book pp. 100-105, vocabulary game, Word List Unit 6 (p. 157)

MyEnglishLab 6.5 to 6.7, including Speaking and Writing tasks.

Kahoot Challenge: Second conditional & Modal verbs for obligation & permission.

Liveworksheets: Grammar Quiz  6.5 types A and B, min. 13 correct

Zoom.us (ID 7402809363)(Psswd: Alfa2020)


Google Classroom, MyEnglishLab, Liveworksheets, Google forms, Quizlet and Kahoot, Focus 2 Activity Book, Unit 6, and Zoom


Movie time, relaxing time, as a group.

Check out answers of pages 102-103 or any doubts. Answer pages 104-105, up to exercise 7.

Continue with the writing task of p. 105 and the one in MyEnglishLab.

Answer exercises 6.7 in Myenglishlab, except for the Teacher Graded one (writing task). Then do the writing task as explained in p. 105 as well as the one in MyEnglishLab.

1st Session: Grammar Quiz 6.5 type A, minimum: 13. Lower than that please do type B
Next activity, in pairs, pages 102 / 103, audio 3.12 will be in Google Classroom. Evidence will be sent through assignments in this portal.
2nd session: finish the given pages above and continue with assignments in MyEnglishLab, exercises 6.6 (only Hazzul opens them in the course tab). If you finish, check that you don´t have any pending activities --or low scores-- in MyEnglishLab between the 6.1 and the 6.6 lessons.

Actividades Docente

T opens a session in Netflix to share a movie according to the Unit's writing lesson's topic, summer job. 

T opens the digital pages and asks Ss for their answers, check them out as a group. Explains any gaps, questions or doubts.

T opens break out rooms for Ss who already finished the writing tasks (from the previous day), gives a free time activity for them, and works out any issues for Ss who have not yet finished the writing tasks. Help as required.

T opens the execises in the portal Myenglishlab, oversees and answers any inquiries or doubts. Also, T opens an assignment in Classroom for Students to load their writing task as explaines in p. 105, checks them out, gives feedback in breakout room, then clears the writing task in Myenglishlab for Ss to write it down digitally. Teacher provides feedback for this 2nd written assignment as well.

Open assignments for students to answer Grammar Quiz 6.5 type A, and type B if Ss get lower than 13 correct answers in the first one. Quizzes are linked to Liveworksheets.
T. Vanessa will help to create pairs, Ss answer pages 102 & 103, they can use the track 3.12 as provided in Classroom. Set up assignments in classroom for Ss to load pictures of these pages.
Set up assignments in MyEnglishLab, exercises 6.6 (only Hazzul opens them in the course tab).

Note: If Ss finish and don´t have any pending activities --or low scores-- in MyEnglishLab between the 6.1 and the 6.6 lessons, they can be dismissed.

Actividades Estudiante

Ss watch the movie, share experiences or opinions about the movie's characters, situation or climax.

Ss provide answers as they solved the exercises the previous day, check them out and ask questions in case of doubt.

Participate in the group free time activity (escape room) or finishing the writing tasks from the previous day.

Ss answer the exercises in Myenglishlab, then write down a letter as specified in the writing task of p. 105, then listen to the T's feedback before doing the 2nd letter in the portal. Ss listens to the T's feedback for this last assignmente as well.

Answer grammar quizzes 6.5 type A and/or B depending on the score in the first one. Answer pages 102-103 in pairs, check out answers with T. Vanessa and send images in the assignment. Then answer exercises 6.6 in MyEnglishLab and/or any other pending exercises in the this portal.


Exercises in the activity book, Myenglishlab, Unit 6 grammar quizes  6.5 in Liveworksheets, writing tasks in Classroom and in the portal.


Thank you to Colegio Bilingue ALFA, Google Classroom, MyEnglishLab, Quizlet.com, Kahoot.com, Zoom.us, and Liveworksheets.


Proyecto Creado Por Alberto Robles Utilizando A Eduteka.org

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*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 17 y mas de 17 años - No hay restriccion de edad - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 2 sessions of about 50 minutes each on Tuesday, March 26th 2 sessions of about 50 minutes each on Tuesday, March 23rd 2 sessions of about 50 minutes each on Tuesday, March 25th 2 sessions of about 50 minutes each on Tuesday, March 24th 2 sessions of about 50 minutes each on Monday, March 22nd


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