Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Focus 2 February 22 To March 5Th
Focus 2 February 22 To March 5Th
Publicado el 28 Febrero de 2021
Autor: Alberto Robles
In this last week of February and first week of March we will complete the contents of Unit 5, we will do a review of the unit before assessing the Students' knowledge, and then began with a new unit, unit 6.
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Área:Lengua Extranjera
Edad: - Entre 17 y mas de 17 años - No hay restriccion de edad - No hay restriccion de edad
Duración: 2 sessions of about 130 minutes in total on Friday Feb 26th 2 sessions of about 130 minutes in total on Thursday March 4th 2 sessions of about 130 minutes in total on Wednesday March 3rd 2 sessions of about 130 minutes in total on Thursday Feb 25th 2 sessions of about 130 minutes in total on Friday March 5th 2 sessions of about 130 minutes in total on Wednesday Feb 24th 2 sessions of about 130 minutes in total on Monday March 1st 2 sessions of about 130 minutes in total on Tuesday March 2nd 2 sessions of about 130 minutes in total on Tuesday Feb 23rd 2 sessions of about 130 minutes in total on Monday Feb 22nd
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Feb. 22 to 26, we will work in teams to complete a speaking task about discussing over the possibility of taking a gap year after college or high school, student will prepare and record their dialogue. Then, in the writing task they will prepare a letter to inquire about taking a summer course at a British School and another one to inquire about the possibility of taking a photography course. Finally, students will prepare for Unit 5 test by doing the unit review in the activity book as well as in MyEnglishLab.
March 1 to 5, Students will be assessed in Unit 5 and begin with unit 6, vocabulary and grammar.
Focus 2 Book pp. 86-95, plus the WordStore 6A to 6c, Grammar Focus 6.2 (p. 149) and Word List Unit 6 (p. 157)
MyEnglishLab 6.1 to 6.2
Kahoot Challenge: Second conditional
Google Forms: Vocabulary Quiz 6.1 and Grammar Quiz 6.2 types A and B (ID 7402809363)(Psswd: Alfa2020)
Google Classroom, MyEnglishLab, Liveworksheets, Google forms, Quizlet and Kahoot, Focus 2 Activity Book, Units 5 & 6, and Zoom
Unit 5 Assessment in Myenglishlab
Lesson 6.1 assessment and game, then move into lesson 6.2 Second conditional.
Lesson 6.1 p. 93
Unit 5 review of speaking and writing lessons (p. 91), then Self check test in Myenglishlab.
Complete p. 95 in the activity book, watch the grammar lesson and play the grammar game about second conditional.
Continue with the Unit review in p. 90 & 91, then work in Myenglishlab, exercises 5.8; finally, answer p. 10 in the Word Store.
Unit 5 Assessment
Introduction to Unit 6 topic and objectives, focus in vocabulary (Word List 6)
Review lessons 6.1, 6.2 & 6.5 from Unit 5, the vocabulary and grammar lessons.
Students work in solving 3 exercises of lesson 5.7 in Myenglishlab as well as doing the writing task of p. 89 in the activity book. Finally, they go back to solve the Show what you have learned in myenglishlab.
Actividades Docente
Set up unit 5 test in myenglishlab as a study guide, monitor and offer help as needed.
Provide vocabulary games for students to practice before their vocabulary quiz 6.1, then provide Kahoots about second conditional, before moving into the exercises of p. 94
Monitor students' work on p. 93, follow up their performance in the Word Store, assign exercises 6.1 in myenglishlab.
Assign students in pairs to do exercise 8 & 9 in breakout rooms, then bring them back to share with the class. After recess , explain task of exercise 10 and give them enough time to write the email. Assign the self check test of unit 5 in myenglishlab.
Play the video lesson about 2nd conditional, then monitor students progress of p. 95 as well as the 6.2 exercises in Myenglishlab, make up teams to play the grammar game.
Overview Students' work in exercises 5 to 7 in the book, assign exercises 5.8 in Myenglishlab, then review their work in p. 10 of the Word Store.
Assign Unit 5 Test type A in Liveworksheets, send link for Students to do the 2 tests, play audios for listening and dictation, provide email for Students to send the tests to the teacher.
Elicit topic and content through Unit 6 title and images, brainstorm general knowledge by discussing the quote from Confucious, explain the objectives for each lesson, then play vocabulary games (Quizlet) before doing the first exercises of p. 92.
Show Unit 5 word list in p. 156 as well as in Quizlet, review some of the words in the list, then students do exercise 1 & 2 in p. 90, chek in pairs, then as a class.
In the second session, assign some Kahoots for students to review first conditional as well as relative clauses, before they do exercises 3 & 4 in the book. When they are done with the exercises they check their answers with a partner, then as a class.
Set up exercises 5.7 in Myenglishlab, explain the writing task, provide students with a rubric for them to write the letter of inquiry to St. John's School in Great Britain. Assign the Show what you have learned in Myenglishlab.
Actividades Estudiante
Solve unit 5 test in myenglishlab
Participate in the vocabulary games, solve the vocabulary quiz, play the diagnostic Kahoots on 2nd conditional, and answer p. 94 exercises
Answer exercises from p. 93 as well as Word Store A to C, then solve the 6.1 exercises in Myenglishlab.
Do exercise 8 in pairs, then exercise 9 as a class, write an email to inquire about a photography course, answer the self check test in Myenglishlab.
watch the video lesson, answer the exercises of p. 95 as well as the 6.2 ones in Myenglishlab, then play the grammar game in teams.
Answer exercises 5 to 7 in the book. Finish any pending activity in MyEnglishLab, either assigned (today) or in the course tab (if you missed to do them in the assigned time). Secondly, do the self-check test for Unit 5. Finally, answer p. 10 in the WordStore that is at the back of your book.
Answer Unit 5 tests in LiveWorksheets, send them to the teacher's inbox.
Share any ideas about topic, content and previous knowledge, participate in the vocabulary games and answer p. 92 exercises.
Study the Unit's word list in Quizlet as well as the grammar lessons in Kahoot, answer exercises 1 to 4 in p. 90, compare with a partner then check with the whole group.
Solve 3 exercises in Myenglishlab, write a letter of inquiry to St. John's School and do the Show what you have learned in Myenglishlab.
Exercises in the activity book, Myenglishlab, Unit 5 test in Liveworksheets, vocabulary & grammar quizes 6.1 & 6.2
Thank you to Colegio Bilingue ALFA, Google Classroom, MyEnglishLab,,,,, Learningpath, Symbaloo and Liveworksheets.
Proyecto Creado Por Alberto Robles Utilizando A

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