Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés 4Th A Ell January 11 To 22
4Th A Ell January 11 To 22
Publicado el 10 Enero de 2021
Autor: Alberto Robles
In the week of January 11 to 15 we will review the vocabulary and reading skills of week 3 (Unit 3) and continue with the pending content of this same week. However, Monday we'll be taken to talk about the holidays and between Tuesday-Friday the contents for week 3. Starting this week we'll focus in improving the Ss'reading skill based on a course of phonics that will be given between 10:20 and 10:30.
In the week of Jan 18 to 22 we will study Unit 3 week 4, conventions and vocabulary actitivies, as well as the writing of an article. Writing must be imperative every time we have a 5-days week schedule.
Ficha técnica
Área:Lengua Extranjera
Edad: - Entre 13-14 años
Duración: 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Thursday, Jan. 14th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Tuesday, Jan. 12th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Wednesday, Jan. 13th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Friday, Jan. 15th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Friday, Jan. 22nd. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Thursday, Jan. 21st. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Wednesday, Jan. 20th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Tuesday, Jan. 19th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, Jan. 18th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, Jan. 11th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics.
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Monday: talk about the holidays, share experiences, review access to platforms and websites. Also, check on reading skill based on WCPM, make a checklist visible to parents and students.
Tuesday-Friday, Unit 3 week 3: Students will understand that day and night are necessary for survival, but also affect animals and humans.
Unit 3 Week 4: Develop students´ understanding of patterns in nature, including: changing seasons: winter, spring, summer, autumn; movement of planets; equinoxes and patterns of stars in the night sky.
Realize Reader (
Access to Google Classroom (all the activities from Savvas Realize will be found in Classroom) and Google Forms (to do vocabulary activities) & (to do grammar activities)
Workbook (language, reading & writing skills, conventions pages) (ID 7402809363) (Password Alfa2020)
Teach students' on writing a myth. Read the story of the week (2nd read). Solve the Think Critically section. Read the paired selection.
Solve the vocabulary and spelling word pages in the workbook.
Finally, Jolly Phonics group #1, card #4, /i/.
Assess students' previous knowledge on spelling words (pre-test - Quizlet live), subject-verb agreement (Kahoot), and reading skills (Savvas: generalize, visualize).
Teach new vocabulary, review reading skills, read short stories previous to the main selection.
Finally, Jolly Phonics group #1, card #2, /a/.
Assess students' previous knowledge on writing a myth. Read the story of the week (1st read). Sneak preview of the Think Critically section, retell the story.
Teach the grammar lesson, subject-verb agreement, practice in the workbook, possibly in liveworksheets.
Finally, Jolly Phonics group #1, card #3, /t/.
Assess students' knowledge on the spelling words and grammar lesson, reading skills and read some of the myths made by the students.
Assess students' reading pace and fluency, WCPM, register in the list. Target: 130 wpm, minimum 105-115 wpm
Finally, Jolly Phonics group #1, card #5, /p/.
Assess students' knowledge on the spelling words and grammar lesson, reading skills and read some of the formal letters made by the students.
Assess students' reading fluency, WCPM, register in the list.
Finally, Jolly Phonics group #2, card #4, /r/.
Students write a formal letter. Read the sleuth selection. Practice spelling words.
Finally, Jolly Phonics group #2, card #3, /h/.
Teach students' on writing a formal letter. Read the story of the week (2nd read). Solve the Think Critically section. Read the paired selection.
Teach the grammar lesson present, past and future tenses, solve pages in the workbook.
Finally, Jolly Phonics group #2, card #2, /e/.
Assess students' previous knowledge on writing a formal letter. Read the story of the week (1st read). Sneak preview of the Think Critically section, retell the story. Do the vocabulary activities in the platform as well as the vocabulary and spelling word pages in the workbook.
Finally, Jolly Phonics group #2, card #1, /ck/.
Assess students' previous knowledge on spelling words (pre-test - Quizlet live), past-present and future tenses (Kahoot), and reading skills (Savvas: cause and effect, predict and set purpose).
Teach new vocabulary, read short stories previous to the main selection.
Finally, Jolly Phonics group #1, card #6, /n/.
Assess students' experiences during the holidays, discover new learnings, inquiries, doubts, fears, expectatives, hopes and joys.
Also, assess students' reading pace and fluency, WCPM, register and show target.
Finally, Jolly Phonics group #1, card #1, /s/.
Actividades Docente
Show the writing lesson from Savvas. Allow Ss to read the main story (2nd read), monitor the think critically section (make questions to random Ss), let them read the paired selection. Help them solve the vocabulary and spelling word pages from the workbook.
Display the images and videos from week 3, help Ss to review the main aspects of the topic of this week. Play a Quizlet Live for Ss to review the spelling words from that week. Play a Kahoot about subject-verb agreement for Ss to practice the grammar lesson for this week. Go over the vocabulary cards from Savvas. Provide lesson from Jolly Phonics.
Show the pages about writing a myth from the workbook. Display the story of the week, let Ss read, monitor and answer any doubts or questions from Students. Read out the points in the think critically section. Teach the grammar lesson through the workbook. Teach the /t/ sound.
Open a quizlet live session for Ss to do a final practice before the dictation (spelling quiz). Open the same Kahoot as the beginning of the week for Ss to be assessed in the grammar lesson, allow them time to read the Sleuth selection, have some students read as many words as they can in 1 minute. Provide lesson from Jolly Phonics.
Open a quizlet live session for Ss to do a final practice before the dictation (spelling quiz). Open the same Kahoot as the beginning of the week for Ss to be assessed in the grammar lesson, allow them time to read the Sleuth selection, have some students read as many words as they can in 1 minute. Provide lesson from Jolly Phonics.
Show the writing lesson from Savvas. Allow Ss to read the main story (2nd read), monitor the think critically section (make questions to random Ss), let them read the paired selection. Help them solve the vocabulary and spelling word pages from the workbook.
Show the pages about writing a formal letter from the workbook. Display the story of the week, let Ss read, monitor and answer any doubts or questions from Students. Read out the points in the think critically section. Teach the grammar lesson through the workbook. Teach the phonics sound.
Display the images and videos from week 4, help Ss to review the main aspects of the topic of this week. Play a Quizlet Live for Ss to review the spelling words from that week. Play a Kahoot about present, past and future tenses for Ss to practice the grammar lesson for this week. Go over the vocabulary cards from Savvas. Provide lesson from Jolly Phonics.
Provide students with questions to share, reflect, analyze over the experiences during the holidays. Provide worksheets from Pinterest as needed. Let them speak most of the time. Collect as many info as possible. Check on access to diverse platforms and websites or apps. Apply WCPM strategy to assess reading level, pace, fluency, fill out the class' chart. Finally, use the last 10 minutes to teach the /s/ sound through Jolly Phonics.
Actividades Estudiante
Read aloud as requested, participate in the think critically activity, read the paired selection, do a Quizlet activity, write the 3rd column of the spelling words in the notebook, solve pages from the workbook.
Participate in the open forum to predict content, share any ideas from the pictures, watch the videos, make questions, solve the Quizlet live and the Kahoot challenge, practice with the vocabulary activities, learn the /a/ sound.
Participate in Quizlet, write down the 2nd column of the spelling words in the notebook, watch the lesson about writing a myth, read the story of the week (or listen attentively), watch the grammar lesson and answer the exercises in the workbook. Study the /t/ sound.
Participate in Quizlet live, spelling quiz, Kahoot, read aloud the Sleuth selection, and read with fluency in 1 minute. Learn the phonics lesson.
Play quizlet live, do the spelling quiz, play Kahoot, read the Sleuth selection, read wcpm and learn the phonics sound of the day.
Review how to write a formal letter, read for the 2nd time the story of the week, solve the think critically questions, read the paired selection, solve pages from the workbook.
Participate in the writing a formal letter lesson, read the story of the week, think about the possible answers to the think critically section, study the present-past-future tense forms, and finally, learn the phonics sound.
Watch the images and videos with the previews of content for this week. predict about the story of the week, read spelling words and play Quizlet live. Play Kahoot and learn the phonic sound for the day.
Share key experiences from the holidays, ask any questions related to the schedule, ELL program, apps, websites, school calendar. Then, participate in the WCPM program, check status in the chart. Finally, learn the /s/ sound through Jolly Phonics.
Vocabulary and Grammar games, weekly test, workbook pages, writing tasks, and wcpm chart.
Thank you to Colegio Bilingue ALFA, Savvas Realize, Google Classroom,,,,
Proyecto Creado Por Alberto Robles Utilizando A

*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.