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Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Planeación Preescolar Inglés Salon Verde Del 7 Al 18 De Septiembre

Planeación Preescolar Inglés Salon Verde Del 7 Al 18 De Septiembre

Publicado el 04 Septiembre de 2020

Autor: Valeria Ochoa


The students will receive instructions when connecting online about what will be done during each class and steps to follow. Then they will do it. 

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 5-6 años

Duración: 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 1 Sesión 2 hours  2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 1 Sesión 2 hours 





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LITERACY:  the students understand the instructions and participate in the activities.

PHONEMIC AWARENESS: The students identify and repeat the alphabeth. 

MATHEMATICAL THINKING: The students identifiy the numbers and count from one to 20. 

EXPLORATION AND KNOWING OF THE WORLD: The students identify the colors, some animals, family members, sizes, and shapes. 

PERSONAL, SOCIAL, AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: the students identify the different types of emotions and feelings and express their own.











hojas blancas 


  • The student must connect at the time stipulated by the teacher.
  • The Student have to do the activities without the help of a third person.
  • The student must send to the classdojo portfolio only the activities that the teacher indicates.
  • They Must be willing to work in class


 have children wash their hands. 

let children play with soap and ask them the texture. elicit what a slippery texture is.

give the children paper and crayones and ask them to draw what can happen when things are slippery. 

ask children why is important to follow rules. ask two rules from the school and two from home and ask why they are important. 

ask the children what color is their hair and eyes and have them color the circles with that color 

ask students to dra a face using a circle as a base. 


actividad 1 the student watch a video about school supplies and make a drawing 

actividad 2 the student will make a bee with kraft 

la ultima sesion se utilizara para evaluar. 

actividad 1 the students will watch a video about food. 

actividad 2 the student will bring their lunches and talk about their food to the class.

actividad 3  im going to read a story and make questions about it. 

la ultima sesion se utilizara para hacer diagnostico 




actividad 1 the students watch a video about numbers and count things 

actividad 2 the students will trace the numbers from one to ten. 

actividad 3 the students will make a rainbow with paint 

la ultima sesion se utilizara para diagnosticar.

actividad 1 the students will watch a video about animals and make an activity about separating animals.

actividad 2 the students will present their pets. 

actividad 3 the students will make a collage about thinks that they like.

la ultima sesion se utilizara para diagnostico 




Actividad 1 the students will watch a video of the shapes and try to guess the names of the shapes. 

actividad 2 the students will bring me things with the shape that i say. 

actividad 3 the students will do an activity about family members.

la ultima sesion se utilizara para diagnostico 

 have children wash their hands. 

let children play with soap and ask them the texture. elicit what a slippery texture is.

give the children paper and crayones and ask them to draw what can happen when things are slippery. 

ask children why is important to follow rules. ask two rules from the school and two from home and ask why they are important. 

ask the children what color is their hair and eyes and have them color the circles with that color 

ask students to dra a face using a circle as a base. 


actividad 1 the student watch a video about school supplies and make a drawing 

actividad 2 the student will make a bee with kraft 

la ultima sesion se utilizara para evaluar. 

actividad 1 the students watch a video about numbers and count things 

actividad 2 the students will trace the numbers from one to ten. 

actividad 3 the students will make a rainbow with paint 

la ultima sesion se utilizara para diagnosticar.

actividad 1 the students will watch a video about food. 

actividad 2 the student will bring their lunches and talk about their food to the class.

actividad 3  im going to read a story and make questions about it. 

la ultima sesion se utilizara para hacer diagnostico 




actividad 1 the students will watch a video about animals and make an activity about separating animals.

actividad 2 the students will present their pets. 

actividad 3 the students will make a collage about thinks that they like.

la ultima sesion se utilizara para diagnostico 




Actividad 1 the students will watch a video of the shapes and try to guess the names of the shapes. 

actividad 2 the students will bring me things with the shape that i say. 

actividad 3 the students will do an activity about family members.

la ultima sesion se utilizara para diagnostico 

Actividades Docente

Actividad del docente Play videos, do normal and relaxation activitities, and to pay atention to any question that the student might have.

Actividad del docente Play videos, do normal and relaxation activitities, and to pay atention to any question that the student might have.

Actividad del docente Play videos, do normal and relaxation activitities, and to pay atention to any question that the student might have.

Actividad del docente Play videos, do normal and relaxation activitities, and to pay atention to any question that the student might have.

Actividad del docente  Play videos, do normal and relaxation activitities, and to pay atention to any question that the student might have.

Actividad del docente Play videos, do normal and relaxation activitities, and to pay atention to any question that the student might have.

Actividad del docente Play videos, do normal and relaxation activitities, and to pay atention to any question that the student might have.

Actividad del docente Play videos, do normal and relaxation activitities, and to pay atention to any question that the student might have.

Actividad del docente Play videos, do normal and relaxation activitities, and to pay atention to any question that the student might have.

Actividad del docente  Play videos, do normal and relaxation activitities, and to pay atention to any question that the student might have.

Actividades Estudiante

Actividad del estudiante: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Actividad del estudiante: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Actividad del estudiante: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Actividad del estudiante: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Actividad del estudiante: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Actividad del estudiante: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Actividad del estudiante: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Actividad del estudiante: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Actividad del estudiante: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Actividad del estudiante: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.


participation and attendance 



Proyecto Creado Por Valeria Ochoa Utilizando A Eduteka.org

Responsive image

*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 5-6 años

Duración: 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 1 Sesión 2 hours  2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 1 Sesión 2 hours 





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Libros Digitales

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