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Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Spelling Words, Continue With The Five Senses And Numbers And Operations Up To100

Spelling Words, Continue With The Five Senses And Numbers And Operations Up To100

Publicado el 03 Mayo de 2020

Autor: flor soto


 Students have to learn the meaning of the  new spelling words.

-Students will practice an explain the functions of the five senses and experimenting the different foods tastes.

-Students will learn numbers and operations Up To 100

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 7-8 años

Duración: SESION 1 2hrs and 20 minutes of break. SESION 4 2hrs and 20 minutes of break. SESION 3 2hrs and 20 minutes of break. 5 by 5 students with 20 minutes for break SESION 7 2hrs and 20 minutes of break. SESION 6 2hrs and 20 minutes of break. 5 by 5 students with 20 minutes for break SESION 2 2hrs and 20 minutes of break. SESION 8 2hrs and 20 minutes of break.







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Student will recognize vocabulary , such comunication at home. On the other hand they will be able to recognize the use of the 5 senses and finally, they will learn the numbers up to 100.



-notebookand reader's and writer's book

-Pathway to Math book

-Pathway to Science book


 -Students must connect at  time.

- Students must be willing to work in class.

-Students have to do the activities by themselves.

-Students must send work activities to Class Dojo if the teacher indicates.


SESION 1. MAY 04-2020

Sesion 1. Students will write the spelling words that the teacher indicates in their orange notebook. Later we will carry out the activity the question of the week: What  treasures  we can share at home and to finish, students will carry out  two activities of reader's and Writer's book pages 505.


After the break we will practice the numbers from 1 to 100 and finally students will do an exercise in their books pathway to math in page 86, counting by grouping. so.Whre students need to be able to group by ten with objects and be able to follow the pattern involved in doing so.

SESION 4 : MAY 06-2020

-Play the abc video and practice with the teacher.

-Practice practice spelling words together.

-Reader's and writter's notebook.page510 word with ow.  And finally   do the page 513.




SESION 3. MAY 05-2020

Sesion 3. Play a video about syllable and practice with students. dog, apple, ladybug thsi has one , two and three syllabe. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S7DY2lgJlU

Then practice the syllable-le

esample: cadle, table,pickle,turtle,candle,needle,handle and soddle.

SEASON 9: MAY 14-2020

-Evaluation spellig words

SESION 7 : MAY 12-05-2020

-Play the abc video and practice with the teacher.

-Practice practice spelling words together.

-Students will do reader's and writer's book page: 527.

-Finish the science book from page 82.

SESION 6: MAY-11-.2020

Sesion 1. Students will write the spelling words that the teacher indicates in their orange notebook. they also will practice the pronouns I, YOU , SHE , HE, IT, THEY.

SCIENCE page 82 and 83. Studetns develop the scientific skills of experimenting. "how do dfferent foods taste?

Ask students need to have their own friut cut by an adult in home before class so they do not need to use knives in the classroom.

Studetns will drink water beteween each taste tee test of the previous food and be able to sense taste of the next one.



SEASON 5: MAY 08-2020

-Evaluation spellig words


SESION 2 : MAY 05-2020

-Play the abc video and practice with the teacher.

-Practice practice spelling words together.

-Play a video about the five senses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXXiyIGqliE

-Make sure student  should have their one or two piece of paper  where students will begin to practice, drawing and color the five senses.


SESION 8 MAY-13-2020

-Students will practice numbers 1 to 100

-students will practice the spelling words.

-Students wll do reader's and writer's book page 533. words with ou

-Stundent will work on pathway to Math page 87.

Actividades Docente

Teacher activities: put practice video either numbers or abc.  Then carry out activities in the book, practice spelling words and close session. Reconnect after 15 or 20 min. to stay with students who did not finish or do need more support.

Teacher activities: put practice video either numbers or abc.  Then carry out activities in the book, practice spelling words and close session. Reconnect after 15 or 20 min. to stay with students who did not finish or do need more support.

Teacher activities: put practice video either numbers or abc.  Then carry out activities in the book, practice spelling words and close session. Reconnect after 15 or 20 min. to stay with students who did not finish or do need more support.

-Ask students to spell the spelling words 

Teacher activities: put practice video either numbers or abc.  Then carry out activities in the book, practice spelling words and close session. Reconnect after 15 or 20 min. to stay with students who did not finish or do need more support.

Teacher activities: put practice video either numbers or abc.  Then carry out activities in the book, practice spelling words and close session. Reconnect after 15 or 20 min. to stay with students who did not finish or do need more support.

-Ask students to spell the spelling words 

Teacher activities: put practice video either numbers or abc.  Then carry out activities in the book, practice spelling words and close session. Reconnect after 15 or 20 min. to stay with students who did not finish or do need more support.

Teacher activities: put practice video either numbers or abc.  Then carry out activities in the book, practice spelling words and close session. Reconnect after 15 or 20 min. to stay with students who did not finish or do need more support.

Actividades Estudiante

Student Activity:  Watch the video, do the job together with the teacher, clarify the question and ask the teacher for support.

Student Activity:  Watch the video, do the job together with the teacher, clarify the question and ask the teacher for support.

Student Activity:  Watch the video, do the job together with the teacher, clarify the question and ask the teacher for support.

-Good attitude.

-Spell the wods spell the words the teacher says.

-Answere questions.

Student Activity:  Watch the video, do the job together with the teacher, clarify the question and ask the teacher for support.

Student Activity:  Watch the video, do the job together with the teacher, clarify the question and ask the teacher for support.

-Good attitude.

-Spell the wods spell the words the teacher says.

-Answere questions.

Student Activity:  Watch the video, do the job together with the teacher, clarify the question and ask the teacher for support.

Student Activity:  Watch the video, do the job together with the teacher, clarify the question and ask the teacher for support.






-The evidences will be sent to class dojo when the teacher indicates.


Proyecto Creado Por Flor Soto Utilizando A Eduteka.org

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*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 7-8 años

Duración: SESION 1 2hrs and 20 minutes of break. SESION 4 2hrs and 20 minutes of break. SESION 3 2hrs and 20 minutes of break. 5 by 5 students with 20 minutes for break SESION 7 2hrs and 20 minutes of break. SESION 6 2hrs and 20 minutes of break. 5 by 5 students with 20 minutes for break SESION 2 2hrs and 20 minutes of break. SESION 8 2hrs and 20 minutes of break.







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