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Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Icesi / English / Level V / My Life Project Module 1 Units 1 And 3

Icesi / English / Level V / My Life Project Module 1 Units 1 And 3

Publicado el 25 Abril de 2019

Autor: Juan Manuel Aragon


The life project is the plan that a person draws in order to obtain an objective.

All humans have dreams and needs. During our childhood, we play to be superheroes, to be firemen or veterinarians; no matter what profession we chose, our dreams were based on what we “wanted to be”.

A life project is simply a document that compiles “what we want to be” and “what we are going to do” to achieve it in certain chapters of our life. It also includes the possibilities and means/resources that we need and currently have to achieve those goals. In summary, a life project is our little manual where we register our dreams and the actions that we are going to carry out in order to fulfill those goals.

The project gives coherence to the life of a person in his diverse facets and marks a certain style, in to act, in the relations, in the way of seeing life…

At the end of the project the students should upload a video talking about their life project, integrating the use of verb tenses, the definition of who they are and where do they belong.Taking a look of their future and their goal in the future. 

Taken from: https://tintohub.com/life-project-definition-importance-and-steps-to-create-one/


Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 2 hours  2 hours  2 hours  2 hours  2 hours  4 hours 




Líneas de tiempo


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To produce a video about their life project.

Specific objectives:

To write an outline includes all the grammar topics.

To practice oral interactions.

To talk with other English learners about who they are, and where do they come from.

To think about their life and build new goals. 



Use of the simple past, past continous, simple present, present continous, present perfect. Information about what is a life project. 




Actividad 1:

1.A. Grammar: Have students understand the grammar given in units 1 from the book Speak Out Intermediate

1.B. Looking back to their life: take a look of their past life and how they used to imagine their life back then in order to speak about it the following classes

1.C. Homework: Bring a description with photos, things they thought,



Actividad 7:

7.A. Producing the video as homework

Actividad 8:

8.A. Show case: Have students present their tasks

8.B. Feedback: The teacher grades the task

Actividad 5:

5.A. Preparing the life project.  

5.B. Start thinking about their future and how they see themselves in 10 years 

Actividad 6:

6.A. Preparing the video outline 

6.A.1. Write the outline taking care of 3 points:

1. Where do they come from. 

2. What are they doing now 

3. How they see themselves in the future

6.B. Show the outline to the teacher or a monitor in the Language Center

Actividad 2:

2.A. Talking about themselves

2.B. Prepare a 5 minute talk about who they are and where they come from

2.C. Talk to other students about themselves 


Actividad 3 and 4:

3.A. Explain the use of future verb tense 

3.B. Explain the difference between future plan and future predictions 

4.A. Write a text using the future verb tense 


Actividades Docente

Actividad del docente

Explain the verb tenses Present simple, present continous, past simple and past continous. 

prepare a look back to their life in order to give an example of it 

Actividades Estudiante

Actividad del estudiante

Prepare the review of verb tenses. 


Writing task 


Outline task


Talking about themselves




 Oral presentation



Universidad Icesi 


Proyecto Creado Por Juan Manuel Aragon Utilizando A Eduteka.org

Responsive image

*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 2 hours  2 hours  2 hours  2 hours  2 hours  4 hours 




Líneas de tiempo


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