Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Icesi/Level Vi/ Module 2/ Reconstructing My Academic Program History
Icesi/Level Vi/ Module 2/ Reconstructing My Academic Program History
Publicado el 06 Marzo de 2019
Autor: Hctor Fabio Bianch
The objective with this project is having students reconstruct their university, faculty or program history through the design of a History Timeline Lapbook. History is inescapable and it is important for students to understand the legacies of the past in the present. Understanding the linkages between past and present is absolutely basic for a good understanding of the condition of being human. In this particular case, students will understand their condition as future professionals by reconstructing the history of the place where they study in a lapbook.
Ficha técnica
Área:Lengua Extranjera
Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad
Duración: 2 hours 2 hours 4 hours
Líneas de tiempo

Crear proyectos de clase utilizando inteligencia artificial dando clic aquí
Reconstruct the history of one’s university, faculty and/or program in a timeline.
Effective communication
- Linguistic signs
- Appropriate grammar
Critical thinking
- Research
- Intellectual curiosity
- Imagination
- Analytical and systematic reasoning
- Interacción comunicativa
- Argumentación/justificación/
- persuasión
- Demostración
- Descripción/narración
- Representación
- (textual, plástica o matemática)
In phase 3, students present their findings displaying each group’s timeline and presenting the information they found in their own research quest.
Information needs to exhibit 10 specific key moments in the program or faculty history where students can explain the importance of these events. In general, the timeline needs to show progress and continuity.
In phase 1, students are exposed to information about Cambridge University with the purpose of engaging students to understand and comprehend the importance of universities in the world and to encourage them to reconstruct their own university/faculty/program history.
First, students listen and watch a video about Cambridge University. Then, they identify the most important information about the university and its legacy to the world. Finally, they answer and discuss a set of listening comprehension questions with the purpose of describing and explaining the reasons why Cambridge is considered one of the most important universities in the world.
After being familiar with Cambridge University, students read a series of articles about Cambridge’s history, then in groups of four or five they reconstruct segments of Cambridge history. Each group explains orally what happened in Cambridge during a specific time so as to understand how periods of time can be systematically organized in a timeline.
In phase 2, students get ready to reconstruct their own university, faculty or program history. To do this, students need to reflect on the impact of their experiences as university students in their lives and carry out a research quest for historical data.
First, students are asked to write down an essay answering the question “what would you have done if you had not studied ______________’” this with the purpose of having students reflect on their university life. Essays need to be 250 words long and be composed by 4 well written paragraphs.
Then, students are requested to form groups based on their faculties and programs, once groups are formed students need to carry out research about their university, faculty and/or program. To do this, students need to:
First, develop their intellectual curiosity to find out why, when and how their university, program or faculty was built/designed.
Then, identify key events and organize them in chronological order.
Finally, organize this information in a timeline.
Actividades Docente
Provides feedback
Assess students
Evaluates and Grades students
Provides feedback
Manages the class dynamic
Provides feedback
Manages the class dynamic
Actividades Estudiante
Students present their final product.
Brainstorms ideas
Is exposed to language
First write down an essay answering the question “what would you have done if you had not studied ______________’”
Then, students are requested to form groups based on their faculties and programs
Students need to carry out research about their university, faculty and/or program.
Students find out why, when and how their university, program or faculty was built/designed.
Then, Students identify key events and organize them in chronological order.
Finally, organize this information in a timeline.
Check resources for rubric.
Proyecto Creado Por HÉCtor Fabio BianchÁ Utilizando A

*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.