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Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Icesi/English Level Vi/Module Ii/ Memoirs

Icesi/English Level Vi/Module Ii/ Memoirs

Publicado el 27 Noviembre de 2018

Autor: silvia juliana castro lopez



Online Memoir of the oldest Person in your family: As a group students will create a magazine where each one will include 3 written texts about the oldest person in their family.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: it is outside the class idependent work 2 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours




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To communicate, interpret and express meaningful life experiences that allow the construction of their and others identity, considering their lives, context and culture.



Writing: Students must be able write a well-developed paragraph.

Grammar: Students must be familiarize with the structure of present perfect and Past perfect.



  • To hand in The Memoris magazine
  • To listen, reflect on and think about identity and what it implies
  • To write a composition about their identity and where they come from.
  • To review the parts and structure of a paragraph.
  • To talk about their personal history using active and passive voice.
  • To talk aboout studenst own history and imaginary past situations.
  • To understand and use third Conditional.
  • To familiarize with language to describe oldpeople.
  • To use would + infinitive to describe a past habit.
  • To write about the oldest person in their family and a life changing event in that person's ife.

Actividades Docente

Teacher must revise the magazine give a grade to each students production using the rubric designed but also give a grade for the whole magazine(Collaboraitve work)

Before the class the teacher must give feedback to the second written text for students to correct it.

  • The teacher asks students what they understand by Identity.
  • Tell students they will hear a radio show where they are talking about identity, ask sudents to take notes.(Play it one time). Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/features/6-minute-english/ep-161006
  • Hand in the questions worksheet and play the audio two more times if necessary.
  • Have students share their answers with a partner and the socialize them with the group.
  • Show students the writing exercises and ask them to complete them. (Resources). Check the answers with the whole class.
  • Hand in the checklist and assign each student another student's work. (Resources)
  • The student must revise the first written text of their partner taking into consideration the checklist.
  • Ask students to complete the grammar exercises of unit 9.2 (pg. 107).
  • Monitor students work and help if necessary.
  • Show students the PERIODS OF TIME sentences and ask them to complete them.(Resources) Have the socialize their answers with the group and gove opinions on their partners answers.
  • Model the first exercise.
  • Design a visual aids to explain third conditional.
  • Assist students with the structure.
  • To prepare the activities with the video.
  • Give students the discussion questions. (Resources taken from: http://film-english.com/2012/03/17/grandfather/)
  • Pre-teach vocabulary from the video:liver spots, broom, bristly, to sneak, cream crackers, to doze off, to rest your eyes (a humorous euphemism for sleeping).
  • Tell your students they are going to watch a short film called Vovô in which a man tells a storyabout growing up with his grandfather in Brazil.
  • Give students the questions to watch for during the video: 
  • (What is the story the man tells?, What did his grandfather look like?, What do you think his grandfather wanted to show him?, How do you think the man feels?,How does the film make you feel?)
  • Show students the following part of the script of the video: "I enjoyed sitting behind him in the car, watching him check his teeth in the mirror. He’d share cream crackers with me. He smelt like them sometimes. We’d go feed the fish in the river by house where he grew up. He’d hold my hand so I wouldn’t fall in. When we’d sit down for food, he’d often doze off into a sleep. He’d say he was just resting his eyes". 
  • Ask students why the atuthor used would in this situation.
  • Clarify any doubts
  • Create and share a collaborative document where students can start uploading their texts and creating the magazine.

Actividades Estudiante

  • Students must use a platform to create the magazine and send the link to the teacher. (Suggested Website: https://es.calameo.com/)
  • Students talk about what identity means for them.
  • Students take notes about the listening played by the teacher.
  • They answer the questions from the worksheet, share the answers with and partners and socialize them with the group.

Homework: Written text 3: Upload it to the collaborative document

ReflectionWrite a one page composition (use paragraph form).Take into consideration the following questions.  What is identity? Does heritage and identity influence who we are? How has your heritage influenced you? What did this project mean to you? You could compare and contrast your interviewee’s life to yours.


  • Students do the structure paragraphs exercises.
  • Studenst revise their partners written texts with the checklist.
  • Students must make the corrections.
  • Students complete the reading a grammar exercises of unit 9.2 (Resources).
  • Students make a chart to explain the use of passive voice.
  • Students complete the Periods of time sentences about their own experience and discuss the answers first in pairs and then with the group.

Homework: Written text 2: Upload to the collaborative document

1. Interview the oldest person in your family about his/her experiences as a child and a teenager (about your age) –include questions about such topics as friends, school, hobbies/interests, relations with parents (i.e. what did they worry about in those days?), relations with siblings, fashion, music/dance, women or men role, issues in the world, technology, sports, tv and/or films.

  • Write one or two paragraph describing and narrating, be very descriptive. Include a pictures. J Include quotes to give a vivid voice to it.

2. Write a reflection to reflect on what you have in common or differ about your personal history and the person that you interviewed.((using paragraph form).

  • Students write down three things that have happened to them in the past year.
  • Each student selects the one they want to share with the class and write it on padlet.
  • Each student selects two of their partners situations and answers by writing down what they think would or wouldn’t have happened if these events never happened to their partner.
  • The events will be socialize and the teacher will model the structure (third conditional) when necessary.
  • The first students must answer back giving an opinion about what their partner wrote. If the agree or not.
  • Students will complete the grammar and vocabulary exercises in unit 9.1 (If necessary the teacher will explicitly explain the grammar).
  • As homework: Students will go back to the padlet and make any grammar corrections in their sentences.
  • Students write on their notebooks What they think would or wouldn’t have happened if the other two events never happened.


  • Students work in small groups and they choose 4 of the questions from the discussion questions worksheet and discuss them.
  • Students socialize their disucssions with the class.
  • Students watch the video:  https://vimeo.com/21703827
  • Get students to discuss their answers and then get feedback from the whole class.
  • Students read the part of the script given by the teacher, analyze it and answer the questions.
  • In their groups students talk about their childhood and the things they would do then.

HOMEWORK: First written text of the magazine: (The should upload the texts in the collaborative document given by the teacher)

Students must Interview the oldest person in their family:

1. They should ask them general personal information questions (Name, age., sibling, where they come from, what they do or did, physical appearance) write one or two paragraph introducing them be very descriptive. Include a picture.

2. They should ask them to tell the, about a life changing important event in their lives. Ask them why was that event important, what happened before and after the event, and how would their lives have been different if this event had not happened? The student will also write a composition (using paragraph form to describe what they told you) Think of an interesting name. Include quotes to give a vivid voice to it.



Checklist and Rubric (Resources)


Final product: https://es.calameo.com/read/00577071393772db74bb9



Proyecto Creado Por Silvia Juliana Castro Lopez Utilizando A Eduteka.org

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*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: it is outside the class idependent work 2 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours




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