Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Icesi/ English Level 5 Module 3 Andrea Rizo
Icesi/ English Level 5 Module 3 Andrea Rizo
Publicado el 14 Noviembre de 2018
Autor: Andrea Rizo Peafort
In this lesson plan we will be learning the basics of LinkedIn. Students will be able to practice the vocabulary learned about Jobs and learn in a real-life class activity how to complete a professional profile to assist with networking within their career.
Ficha técnica
Área:Lengua Extranjera
Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad
Duración: 1 Sesión 1 sesión (2 horas)
Herramientas: tomar apuntes en clase
Páginas Web

Crear proyectos de clase utilizando inteligencia artificial dando clic aquí
- Allow students to use a professional social network
- Allow students to create a viable set of contacts that can offer guidance, internships, or job offers
- Provide students an opportunity to engage industry experts in a professional setting
- Demonstrate the power and importance of networking
- Show students a different perspective of social networks
Speak out Intermediate unit 4 vocabulary
- Student will begin by creating a free LinkedIn account
- Complete the personal profile, including a professional photo, work history, skills expertise, education, etc.
- Build a minimum of 20 connections, with at least 10 being professional
- Join at least 5 groups
- Post a question/comment in any of these groups at least 5 separate times
- Write one letter of recommendation for a connection and receive one letter of recommendation written by a connection
Actividades Docente
Explain students the importance of linkedin. Use pdf presentation
Explain students how to make connections. and what things should be consider when making a connection. Use pdf Presentation
Actividades Estudiante
Explore LINKEDIN. and create the profile
- Build a minimum of 20 connections, with at least 10 being professional
- Join at least 5 groups
- Post a question/comment in any of these groups at least 5 separate times
- Write one letter of recommendation for a connection and receive one letter of recommendation written by a connection
Qualitative questions to encourage critical thinking review of assignment:
- What was your first thought when told about the LinkedIn exercise/assignment?
- Describe your prospecting strategy for linking to people.
- What was the best action you took to ensure success?
- What were your overall take-away lessons from this exercise?
- How might you use LinkedIn to secure employment after graduation?
- Create milestones within the project and ask students to complete those in a timely manner
- Avoid allowing the use of professors to complete the professional connections assignment
- Walk students through the development of a good profile – what experience to include/leave out, how to frame expertise, how to maximize educational experiences, etc.
- Groups are collections of people with similar interests, goals, or job responsibilities that wish to pose questions, share information, or network with others of similar interests. Encourage students to focus on groups that are related to their professional development, rather than their personal interests.
- Explain the need for a qualitative post within the groups – starting a thread, rather than just replying to someone else’s thread
- Show students your own LinkedIn profile, including examples of what a 5-8 sentence recommendation might contain
- Help students understand what sort of documentation you will require – screenshots, print outs, PDFs, etc
Proyecto Creado Por Andrea Rizo PeÑAfort Utilizando A

*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.