Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Icesi / English Level Iv / Module Ii / How Has Communication Changed Over The Years
Icesi / English Level Iv / Module Ii / How Has Communication Changed Over The Years
Publicado el 05 Septiembre de 2018
Autor: Jimena Franky and Dario Naboyan
Communication has always been essential to the progress of mankind. Different methods of communication have evolved over the time with the advancement of technology. With this activity we expect to lead students through communication, its changes from images on caverns to the use of electronic devices. We are confident students will enjoy this project, and that they will learn a lot from this topic.
Ficha técnica
Área:Lengua Extranjera
Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad
Duración: Duración: Session 1 = 2 hours Session 2 = 2 hours Session 3 = 2 hours
Escritura colaborativa
Herramientas: recopilar información
Herramientas: tomar apuntes en clase
Páginas Web
Procesadores de texto
Crear proyectos de clase utilizando inteligencia artificial dando clic aquí
Students should be able to keep up a conversation over the impact of ICT and the way we interact currently.
smoke signalsyo-yo spinning top
cup and ball hula hoop street soccer
Previous research from students is expected. Some reading related to history about communication would be useful, as well as reviewing some functions like talking about experiences or things that have happened before now: present perfect tense, adverbs such as: just, yet and already. Describing an activity or a state that happened many times in the past is useful when narrating events (used to).
AIm: Based on the above research, students are expected to role-play a conversation on how communication has evolved over the time.
Sessión 1PRE- TASK:
Students describe some images and relate them to the type of communication.
I. The "find someone who" game will be played. Students have to go around the classroom trying to find the person who has been doing/has already done the activity .
Example: He asks: "Have you bought an Iphone " If the person that has been asked answers "yes," then he writes the name of the person in the blank space. The person who completes all of the blank spaces first wins
__________________________ has bought an Iphone.
__________________________ has sent and E-mail today
__________________________ has searched something about the evolution of communication on the internet
__________________________ has played yoyo when he/she was a kid
__________________________ has never played spinning top
__________________________ has never played soccer in the street
__________________________ has played hide and seek
__________________________ has had a radio recorder in his/her house
__________________________ has not made any telephone call today
__________________________ has used WhatsApp on his/her way to ICESI
Students read the names of the persons on the blank space and ask the the question, the asked students will have to be able to give an answer that lasts about 30 seconds.
1B. Students play the Chinese Whispers: Make two lines of eight students. The teacher shows a sentence and students need to be able to whisper to each other the sentence without being overheard. The last student writes the message they heard on the board. (Language: Present perfect using adverbs)
Elicit sentences using the present perfect and adverbs, write them on the board
II. Students will listen to this audio (do not show the script) and paraphrase it.
The script is given to the students and they are supposed to listen to the conversation and fill in the blank spaces
Some students will be asked to paraphrase the audio
Sessión 2
Students review the present perfect tense.
Students willl do some exercises in the present perfect tense adding already and yet.
Students will check their answers.
Session 3
Students will talk about changes they have had in their lives abd the things that are not done in they way they used to be (used to).
Tells the students to write a 150 word text about how communication has changes throght the years.
Actividades Docente
Actividad del docente
Session 1
Teacher is just facilitator, this activity is student centered and he is supposed to have the most participation in the activities.
Asks what students previously search about the first signs of communication
Shows some images for students to describe and talk about haw they are related to communication
Gives the sentence to the first student to whisper it to the next student and so on, for the last student to write it on the board
Encourages students to talk about their lives
Plays the audio found on the link provided
Shows the exercise to be completed with the words appearing above
Provides the script to students and asks them some questions to be exchanged among them.
Checks the questions and listens to their answers.
Sesión 2
Asks some students to review the present perfect tense.
Gives students the photocopy for the FIND SOMEONE WHO game.
Have students read the names of the persons on the blank space for them to give the 30 seconds answer
Session 3
listen to students taking about changes they have had in their lives and the things that are not done in they way they used to be (used to).
Tells the students to write a 150 word text about how communication has changes throght the years.
Teacher will check what students report about their life changes and the writing part, letting them know about the errors the made,
Actividades Estudiante
Actividad del estudiante
Sessión 1
Student talks about the first signs of communication.
Student describes some images presented and relate them to the type of communication the pictures refer to.
Student talks about some other examples related to the image presented
Student plays the Chinese Whispers: whispers to the next student a sentence without being overheard. The last one writes the message they heard on the board.
Student listens to this audio
Student paraphrases what he listens.
Student completes the vocabulary challenge using the missing words appearing above.
Student reads the script.
Student writes some questions to be exchanged with their classmates.
Student checks his answers in class.
Sessión 2
Student explains (reviews) the grammar aspect on the board.
Student do the exercises.
Student participates in the FIND SOMEONE WHO game
Student gives answer to the questions for 30 seconds
Session 3
Student talks about real situations, a) the changes they have had in their lives
b) Things that are not done anymore in the way they used to be done.(used to)
Student writes a 150 word text about how communication has changes through the years.
Writing about the evolution of communication 10 %
Evaluation of the grammar aspect
Universidad Icesi
School of Education Sciences
Foreign Language Department
English level IV
Project done by JImena Franky and Darío Naboyán
Project created in September 2018.
Proyecto Creado Por Jimena Franky Y Dario Naboyan Utilizando A
*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.