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Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Icesi/English Level Iii/Module I/ Healthy Relationships

Icesi/English Level Iii/Module I/ Healthy Relationships

Publicado el 05 Septiembre de 2018

Autor: silvia juliana castro lopez



Students will make a video interview where they talk about relationships dilemmas and situations. Furthermore, they will write a response letter giving advice to the dilemma and situations posed in the videos.

The interaction will be carried out in Edmodo Platform.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours




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  • Hablar de dilemas en las relaciones, realizar una entrevista grabada.
  • Dar consejos sobre lassituaciones y dulemas sentimentales. Escribir una carta de respuesta dando consejos a los dilemas presentados en las entrevistas.
  • Intereactuar en la plataforma Edmodo


  • To talk about relationship’s dilemmas and situations. To make a video interview.
  • To give advice for the dilemmas and situations.  To write a response letter giving advice to the dilemmas and situations posed in the videos.
  • To interact in the Edmodo platform



Grammar :The student needs to be familiarize with the past tense. They need to be able to know verbs in past.

Writing: The student needs to be able to write a paragraph in its basic form.



  • Students will practice and notice the use of present perfect and for and since.
  • Write about their lives using present perfect.
  • Interact with classmates in writing(Padlet platform)
  •  They will complete a video assignment to be exposed, learn expressions and the way advice is given., and some additional communicative resources.

Mini-task: Students have to think about these topics ( Home, In which part of the city, how long in there, favorite reasons to live there; Things they possess, what, how long; Relationships, how long, how did they meet) and then, write  an entry in padlet reporting everything. AFterwards, they had to interact by asking and answering questions to eachother in the same platform.


Actividad 1

  • Students will talk about relationships and past events: They will review the simple past and start familiarizing with relationships vocabalary.


Mini-task: speaking activity where they  ask different questions to a classmate about a great moment in their past and then they retell the story using voice notes or voki. 

  • Students familiarize with the parts that should be included in a letter of advice.
  • Students practice writing a letter of advice,

Mini-task: with the  dilemma given by the teacher students have to write a draft of the letter of advice they would write for that situation. (My bestfriend told me last week, she was a bit suspicious that her boyfriend was cheating on her. I thought she was paranoid because he looked very much in love, but last weekend I saw him kissing another girl. Should I tell her?).

Final Task: They have to select two interviews in the platform Edmodo and write two letters of advice to those two different relationship dilemas and also answer any question posed to their dilemma.

  • Students will prepare the first part of the task Video Interview .

Writing the Interview: In class In pairs students write the script of the interview.

Actividades Docente

  • Start the class by asking students If you want a healthy relaionship, do you need to be healthy? And then they classified healthy and unhealthy habits.  What do you do to keep fit and healthy? Which unhealthy habits do you have?
  • Guide students to practice and notice the used of present perfect and for and since, through the Reading and gramar exercises in unit 6.2.
  •  Design a Video assignment for students to be exposed and learn expressions and the way advice is given and some additional communicative resources.

Actividad del docente

  • Use the texts and exercises in unit 1.2 (Revise the resources)  to start introducing the topic(relationships) many vocabulary is introduced with the speaking activity before the Reading and the Reading. ex: love at first sight, third time luck, fall in love, get back together, ask for marriage, get divorces, argue, get on well.
  • Design the Reading worksheet.
  • Provide and explain the different parts a letter of advice should have: 1. A short summary of the situation. 2. predicting what will/migh/may happen with the situation if solutions are not found. 3. Some ideas about what the person should do (give tips using Imperatives, Modal verbs, Infinitives). 4. Some support explaining your tips. 5. A question for the reader to think about.
  • Provide any assistence students might need to write the script.
  • Create a checklist for students to give feedback to each other.

Actividades Estudiante

  • Students have a Reading check at the beginning of the class (Related to Reading assignent given in the previous session.)
  • Complete the reading and grammar exercises assigned of unit 6.2
  • Students have to think about these topics ( Home, In which part of the city, how long in there, favorite reasons to live there; Things they possess, what, how long; Relationships, how long, how did they meet) and then, write an entry in padlet reporting everything. AFterwards, they had to interact by asking and answering questions to eachother in the same platform.
  • Independent Work: Video assignment: Students have to watch parts of two movies suggested. Then watch 3 videos and answer some questions. As product of this assignment they have to think about a relationship problem that had happened to them or a friend and write it down in a detailed paragraph (using simple present, simple past and present perfect) also (connectors and, but, so, because). They must bring the paragraph to the next session.


Actividad del estudiante

  • Students review and practice simple past. They create questions and work with auxilar did and verb to be in past.
  • Students create and  ask different questions to a classmate about a great moment in their past and then they retell the story using voice notes or voki
  • Independent work: Students receive the Text and Reading workshet and they must develop it at home.  The activity starts with the students playing kahoot to become familiar with vocabulary they would find in the text. The text is: ‘It’s Over!’ 10 Breakup Survival Tips to Get You Through It By Sheri Meyers,Oct 15, 2012. The assignment has reading comprehension questions, inferring and language noticing (language to give advice).
  • In small groups they write the letter of advice to the dilemma posed by the teacher.
  • Then, they switch papers and another group has to check the letter with the checklist and the points they were supposed to include.
  • Stduents reflect on it and correct it.


  • As homework, Final Task: In the Edmodo platform, students have to select two interviews created by their classmates and write two letters of advice to those two different relationship dilemas and also answer any question posed to their dilemma.
  • Students give feedback about the videos.(Video assignment)
  • In pairs students write the script of the interview. The idea is for them  to talk about a relationship dilema, they use the one they had written about in the paragraph assignment. They neeed to include simple past, present perfect, connectors, relationships vocabulary…… in the script. First:they think about the questions, then they write them down. third, they Answer the questions.
  • Giving peer feedback, students then give the script to another pair and give eachother feedback using the checklist given by the teacher.
  • Students make the necessary corrections
  • Students record the video and upload it to Edmodo.











Proyecto Creado Por Silvia Juliana Castro Lopez Utilizando A Eduteka.org

Responsive image

*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours 4 hours




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