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Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Icesi Level Vi Modulo 1 Job Interview Video

Icesi Level Vi Modulo 1 Job Interview Video

Publicado el 05 Septiembre de 2018

Autor: jaime londono gomez



This is a project to be carried out during the course of English VI, at the Universidad Icesi. It prepares the students for a job interview in English while at the same time increasing their exposure to the four English language skills. 

The importance of preparing the students for a job interview in English cannot be overemphasized, since they will not only be interviewed several times in their lifetime, but they will also be in administrative positions in which they will have to interview job applicants in the companies where they work. In addition to this, the project offers an effective way to improve their competence in the English language.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 2 parts, 1 hour each 2 hours max 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour





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OBJECTIVE: To have the students carry out an authentic, real-life task, that exercises the four language skills in English: reading, writing, listening, speaking and prepares them for a job interview in English. After rehearsing answers to typical job interview questions, students in groups produce a video in which they enact the interview.




Video 1

How to Interview for a Job in American English, part 1/5



video 2

How to Interview for a Job in American English, part 2/5


Can you tell me how you heard about this position?

What attracted you to our company?

What would you say is your greatest strength?


video 3

How to Interview for a Job in American English, part 3/5


When you suffered a setback, had to respond to a crisis, or disagreed with your boss.

What is your greatest weakness?


video 4

How to Interview for a Job in American English, part 4/5


Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Do you have any questions? 


video 5

How to Interview for a Job in American English, part 5/5


Full interview


Video 6

Body language









Familiarity with tenses in English.

Familiarity with use of conditionals in English.


You can learn how to improve your performance in job interviews, both as an interviewee and as an interviewer. The exercises in the following sessions attempt to do just that and to offer you evidence of your progress. To verify your progress and the effectiveness of the task you will work on, the first step requires that you write down spontaneous answers to typical questions that come up in this type of interviews. This enables you to compare them with your own answers at the end of the task. Your progress will then become evident.

An important asset in your professional life 

Part 1: 1 hour

Students write down answers to 7 typical interview questions in the best possible way, prior to receiving any information or training.

Part 2: 1 hour

Students watch and listen to a video in which an expert answers the first typical interview question in a realistic simulation: "TELL ME A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF."  After discussing the content of the video, students proceed to write down their own answer to that question.

In order to see and hear your own performance in a job interview, students produce and submit a video of a simulated interview. Students work in pairs. One pair interviews another pair and then exchange rols so that everyone experiences both rols.

Students watch their own videos to evaluate themselves and identify those aspects that need improvement.

In pairs, to practice and become familiar with the vocabulary and expressions and to learn how to answer in a job interview to the question "Why do you want to work here."

In pairs, to practice and become familiar with the vocabulary and expressions and to learn how to answer in a job interview to the question "What is your greatest strength."

In pairs, to practice and become familiar with the vocabulary and expressions and to learn how to answer in a job interview to the question "What is your greatest weakness."

In pairs, to practice and become familiar with the vocabulary and expressions and to learn how to answer in a job interview to the question "Tell me about yourself."

Students to review vocab and expressions to be used in the whole interview.

In groups of four, students proceed to rehearse the full job interview.

Ss are now given a week to produce their videos in groups of four. Two of the ss interview the other two and viceversa. These videos shall be submitted to the teacher for assessment.

Teacher advises them to first shoot a short sample to check sound, resolution and setting.

In pairs, to practice and become familiar with the vocabulary and expressions and to learn how to answer in a job interview to the questions "Where do you see yourself in five years," and "Why should we hire you."

Actividades Docente

Teacher answers questions about the objective of the project and asks students to write down answers to 7 typical job interview questions:

1. Tell me about yourself

2. Why do you want to work here

3. What is your greatest strength

4. What is your greatest weakness

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years

6. What salary do you expect

7. Why should we hire you

The teacher motivates the students to share their videos and promotes feedback and interaction with the whole group. Rather than criticize performance during the interview itself, the teacher should emphasize the importance of participating in the production process of a video in English, about an authentic and real life situation. The teacher should also encourage the students to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses while enacting the interview.


Teacher shows to students a video of a job interview in which the interviewee answers the question "Why do you want to work here." Teacher explains any questions and reinforces the main necessary points to consider when answering this question.

Teacher shows to students a video of a job interview in which the interviewee answers the question "What is your greatest strength." Teacher explains any questions and reinforces the main necessary points to consider when answering this question.

Teacher shows to students a video of a job interview in which the interviewee answers the question "Tell me about yourself." Teacher explains any questions and reinforces the main necessary points to consider when answering this question.

Teacher motivates and guides students during the rehearsal session, to ensure grasp of vocab and expressions, pronunciation and intonation. Teacher explains any questions and reinforces the main necessary points to consider when answering this question.

Teacher shows to students a video of a job interview in which the interviewee answers the question "What is your greatest weakness." Teacher explains any questions and reinforces the main necessary points to consider when answering this question.


Actividades Estudiante

Students write answers to the questions below. These answers will be compared with those at the end of the project in order to assess the progress obtained during its execution.

1. Tell me about yourself

2. Why do you want to work here

3. What is your greatest strength

4. What is your greatest weakness

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years

6. What salary do you expect

7. Why should we hire you

Students observe their own performance and ask for and provide feedback from and to their classmates.

Reflection on this observation and feedback will help you measure and verify any improvement in your ability to satisfactorily carry out an interview.

In pairs, students imitate the models in the video and write their own answers. They then proceed to rehearse asking and answerring the question, until developing the necessary speaking skill to answer the question while maintaining eye contact with the interviewer.

In pairs, students imitate the models in the video and write their own answers. They then proceed to ask and answer the question, until developing the necessary speaking skill to answer the question while maintaining eye contact with the interviewer.

In pairs, students imitate the models in the video and write their own answers. They then proceed to ask and answer the question, until developing the necessary speaking skill to answer the question while maintaining eye contact with the interviewer.

In pairs, students imitate the models in the video and once more hone their own answers. They then proceed to ask and answer the questions, until developing the necessary speaking skill to answer them while maintaining eye contact with the interviewers.

In pairs, students imitate the models in the video and write their own answers. They then proceed to ask and answer the question, until developing the necessary speaking skill to answer the question while maintaining eye contact with the interviewer.


Progress is measured by having the students write down their answers to typical job interview questions at the end of the project and comparing them with their initial answers.

The video returned by the students becomes the final assessment tool.

Here is the suggested quantitative evaluation for the entire task:
Practice with a partner with each of the seven questions proposed during the task amounts to 10% of the final grade, for a total of 70%.

Production of and participation in the video where two students interview and are interviewed by two students, corresponds to the other 30% of the task.


The referenced material contains the sources used to structure this project.


Proyecto Creado Por Jaime Londono Gomez Utilizando A Eduteka.org

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*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 2 parts, 1 hour each 2 hours max 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour 1 hour





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