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Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Continue With The Same Unit: Unit 5 What Other Living Things Are Around Us? 2020-05-03

Continue With The Same Unit: Unit 5 What Other Living Things Are Around Us? 2020-05-03

Publicado el 03 Mayo de 2020

Autor: flor soto


START: Students will receive instructions when connecting online about what we are going to do during each class and steps to follow. Then they will reconnect to continue and finish the class.

LANGUAJE INSTRUCTION AND COMUNICATION:  students will watch a video related to the unit in which the vocabulary will be practicing and the games that come every day will be play. Later we will carry out work in the workbook of unit 5 where the students will put into practice their vocabulary and skills to recognize each expected learning. 

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 5-6 años

Duración: SESION 1 2hrs. and 15 minute break each day. SESION 4 2hrs. and 15 minute break each day. SESION 3 2hrs. and 15 minute break each day. SESION 5 2hrs. and 15 minute break each day. sesion 2. 2hrs. and 15 minute break each day.




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LITERACY:  Students listen to and understand a dialogue about taking care of plants, listen to, understands, and narrates a story about insects and plants that live in the yard. Also listens to, understands, and sings a song about the elements that plants need to grow.

PHONEMIC AWARENESS: The student identifies and say words with the initial /b/, /f/, and /r/ sounds.

MATHEMATICAL THINKING: The students identifies in, over, and under. In addition, the students will matches numbers of objects with numbers, shorts animals and plants and finally count by 10's.

EXPLORATION AND KNOWING OF THE WORLD: Students knows about bees, and how they make honey, knows about insects and their different characteristics, knows about planting seeds and how to help them grow and finally knows about the life cycle of a butterfly.

PERSONAL, SOCIAL, AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Student knows about schools in other countries that have their own yard for planting things, knows that plants and insects are good for the planet and why we need to take care of them, and finally knows that insects are important, that we need to respect them, and how they are part of food chains.


  • links 
  • images
  • documets
  • workbooks


  • Student must connect at the time stipulated by the teacher.
  • Student must send to the classdojo portfolio only the activities that the teacher indicates.
  • They Must be willing to work in class.


SEASON 1. MAY 04-2020

Students will watch a video The flight of the Butterly and meet some flowers day 1. Then we will do an activity in the student book, page 135 we are going to listen to, undertand and sing a song about the elements plants need to grow.

SESION 4. MAY 07-2020

Students will watch a video The flight of the Butterly and meet some flowers day 4. Then we will do an activity in the student book, page 138 we are going to use targer languaje to talk about where insects live.

SEASON 3. MAY 06-2020

Students will watch a video The flight of the Butterly and meet some flowers day 3. Then we will do an activity in the student book, page 137 we are going to match the number of objects with numbers.

SESION 5. MAY 08-2020

Students will watch a video The flight of the Butterly and meet some flowers day 5. Then we will do an activity in the student book, page 139  We are going to planitng seeds and how to help them grow.

SEASON 2. MAY 05-2020

Students will watch a video The flight of the Butterly and meet some flowers day 2. Then we will do an activity in the student book, page 136 we are going to identify and say words with initial /b/, /f/, /r/ sound. Write a b, and f, and r, on your notebook.

Actividades Docente

Teacher Activities: Play videos, do relaxation activities, do activities in the book, then log out. Then after 15 minutes of rest, connect again and stay with the students who did not finish or need more support.

Teacher Activities: Play videos, do relaxation activities, do activities in the book, then log out. Then after 15 minutes of rest, connect again and stay with the students who did not finish or need more support.

Teacher Activities: Play videos, do relaxation activities, do activities in the book, then log out. Then after 15 minutes of rest, connect again and stay with the students who did not finish or need more support.

Teacher Activities: Play videos, do relaxation activities, do activities in the book, then log out. Then after 15 minutes of rest, connect again and stay with the students who did not finish or need more support.

Teacher Activities: Play videos, do relaxation activities, do activities in the book, then log out. Then after 15 minutes of rest, connect again and stay with the students who did not finish or need more support.

Actividades Estudiante

Student Activity: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Student Activity: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Student Activity: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Student Activity: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Student Activity: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.


Carry out the activities in the books that teacher ask for and the assistance.


Students will have to carry out the activities of the books since this way they will have as evidence their works done.



Proyecto Creado Por Flor Soto Utilizando A Eduteka.org

Responsive image

*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 5-6 años

Duración: SESION 1 2hrs. and 15 minute break each day. SESION 4 2hrs. and 15 minute break each day. SESION 3 2hrs. and 15 minute break each day. SESION 5 2hrs. and 15 minute break each day. sesion 2. 2hrs. and 15 minute break each day.




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