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Proyecto Tecnología e Informática Tecnología Nuevo Proyecto: 2020-04-06 10:17:27

Nuevo Proyecto: 2020-04-06 10:17:27

Publicado el 06 Abril de 2020

Autor: rishikanna


A distributed team is a unit of people that works together in sync, even as they span several cities, countries and time zones. They can use the power of modern communication technology to stay in touch and work together functionally, regardless of the locational barriers that may be in place.

It's a great way of bringing together remote talent from around the globe. It's not always possible to have all of the best professionals together in one place working in the same location. Distributed teams allow tech companies to use the best professionals regardless of their geographical location. 

Ficha técnica

Área:Tecnología e Informática


Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 1 session



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Distributed teams are one of the many trends emerging in the technology industry right now. If you're operating in that industry, you need to understand what this means and why it's happening. There are many explanations, as well as a range of implications that can't be ignored.

The growth in distributed teams is changing how tech companies function and how workplaces are organized. We're going to talk more about what distributed teams are, why they're on the rise and what the benefits of them are below, so read on to find out more. 



When a strong group of professionals with great skills is brought together, they're able to tackle problems in more creative ways. There are always problems to solve when working for a tech company, so anything you can do to boost your team's problem-solving abilities has to be a plus.

It should be your aim to get everyone working together and solving problems collaboratively. That's how you can get the most out of everyone and benefit from the power of distributed teams fully.


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Project Created By Rishikanna Using Eduteka.org

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Ficha técnica

Área:Tecnología e Informática


Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 1 session



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