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Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Same, Is The Same? (A Vlo Against Disability Discrimination)

Same, Is The Same? (A Vlo Against Disability Discrimination)

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Autor: Cristian Castillo


The following is designed for students among 15 and 18 who want to break their misconceptions about disability, and help impaired students not to be discriminated nor mistreated for their classmates, also about knowing how to accurately integrate impaired students in the classroom.

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Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 2 hours 2 hours


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The objectives for this VLO are: To acquire enough knowledge and abilities which are needed to integrate students with disabilities in the personal environment To develop a critical conscience about the need to integrate both socially and educatively people with disabilities To comprehend disability as a social lack and not as a personal limitation.


In order for you to access correctly to the VLO you have to go to the following link. Download the .zip file, decompress the file wherever you prefer, open the folder, and finally, open the file named "index.html".


It is needed from students to have -at least- B1 level of English, according to the Common European Framework, and to be willing to break all those social misconceptions people have about disability.


During the development of this course you are going to understand the differences between talking about disability & inability. Besides you are going to learn the different kind of disabilities that exists & how they work in people. Lastly, you are going to see the different barriers when facing both concepts & you are going to make your own idea about what is better, if inclusion, integration or equality.

The final intention of this course is to provide you enough tools & challenges to criticize the current social environment in front of those communities by yourself in a foreign language, being more analytic. During this lesson you are going to learn the very basic concepts that are necessary for you to understand what is disability and the different types of disability, such as physical, intellectual, and sensory. Also, you are going to learn some of the medical diagnosis and sicknesses that are related with each type of disability. Do you know about them?  In this lesson you will differentiate the concept of disability, inability, and barrier. Do you have any idea about them? If so, perfect, but if you do not you are going to learn about them. At the end of the week you can comprehend that people who suffer any kind of disability are as able as we are: they can work, study, enjoy their spare time, and do everyday activities as we do. However, sometimes we are the ones who put up barriers in their lives and look down on their real abilities. Now, it is time for you to share with us your personal conceptions and understandings about disability. Come and tell us how different are the rights of people with disabilities compared with yours. It is time to play and watch videos while you are learning about how to make a better world. But first, do you really know what is inclusion? And what is integration? Are they the same? Are they different? Which one is better? Or maybe you consider that equality it is much better in the case of people with disabilities?   Let’s check it out right now.

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Evaluation of the process of acqusition of knowledge. It is made along the process in order to establish the real impact of the VLO according to previous conceptions of students.




Cristian&Nbsp;David GonzÁLez Castillo

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Licenciatura En EducaciÓN BÁSica Con ÉNfasis En InglÉS.&Nbsp;Student&Nbsp;-&Nbsp;Eight&Nbsp;Semester



Proyecto Creado Por - Utilizando A Eduteka.org

Creative Commons License: Attribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike 4.0 International (Cc By-Nc-Sa 4.0)

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*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

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Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 2 hours 2 hours


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