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Proyecto Nuevo Proyecto: 2021-06-16 02:42:44

Nuevo Proyecto: 2021-06-16 02:42:44

Publicado el 16 Junio de 2021

Autor: Viola Rose



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Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 1 Sesión


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Homework Pitfalls

Have you ever wondered when and how to do your homework to get the most out of it, to work with joy? And then other questions arise: will the student enjoy his work, will the teacher himself feel satisfied in the process of testing ... How to solve this problem? It turns out that there are solutions. For example, there is the easiest way to do your homework. If it is hard to write written works, then write my research paper can be very helpful. With this resource, you can happily do your homework.

In any case, the main thing is to start. For many children, this is the most difficult thing, they delay the beginning in every possible way, there are many excuses at once ("a little more").

First. Let's sit down for lessons, at least a minute before my mother starts reminding me that it's time to sit down ... There's nothing worse than going to work after a reminder, arguing with my mother over it, muttering, "I know ..." get ahead of her and be the first to remember the lessons. There is another way to inspire your child to learn. If you need to write a written work then https://essayassistant.org/homework-help/ can serve very well. And homework will be done with pleasure.

 Offer students such a competition, and the number of conflict situations will decrease sharply.

Third, the most important. How to set yourself up for work? Smile, rub your palms and say to yourself: “Now I will sit down for math and do it with pleasure! I love math very much! ” And even touch the textbook, bring it to you with love. Textbooks, notebooks, pens, a ruler, felt-tip pens ... Let's touch them, stroke them, and the mood will improve in anticipation of meeting interesting work! 

All this is a kind of ritual. Of course, at first children will play the role of a student "in love" with mathematics, but gradually the results of their activities will improve, which means that students will really love mathematics and will be happy to do homework.

Yes, we sat down at the table (this is the hardest!), We have everything ready for work, we are ready for work, and is our head ready? We need to take care of that as well. Take this simple tip: use the "magic thread" - and success is guaranteed! Take a felt-tip pen, preferably your favorite color, and draw a line as if a kitten were running around the room and tangling a thread.

Now look at the point of intersection in the center of the sheet. If you really look at this point and don't get distracted, something will really start to happen to it: it may change color, flicker, disappear, and so on. This means that you have focused your attention and are ready to complete any task. The thread should be used both before and during operation. For example, they solved the problem, looked at the thread, focused, rested - now you can take examples. By the way, the children themselves called the "magic" thread.

And one more piece of advice: children get tired of statics very quickly, they can't sit for long. Therefore, the rule can and should be learned while standing, and the exercise should be done while sitting.

All of the above really gives a high result: children have an interest, and this is the main thing.





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Proyecto Creado Por Viola Rose Utilizando A Eduteka.org

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Edad: - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 1 Sesión


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