Proyecto Ciencias Naturales Física Unit 5 Sixth Grade Natural Sciences
Unit 5 Sixth Grade Natural Sciences
Publicado el 19 Abril de 2020
Autor: Gabriela Nuez
On this unit students will lear how to create a project, we will discover an learn about different parts of a project, at the end the will upload to youtube the video of their project. We will work with our book guia Santillana and our notebooks.Ficha técnica
Área:Ciencias Naturales
Edad: - Entre 15-16 años - Entre 17 y mas de 17 años
Duración: Three sessions Three sessions 1 session Three sessions
Herramientas: recopilar información
Herramientas: tomar apuntes en clase
Libros Digitales
Crear proyectos de clase utilizando inteligencia artificial dando clic aquí
Understand the diferent parts of a project.
How to create and present a project
Recursos develop a project plan satelites sonda espacial universe components
Understan the function of filmora go or an other video editor.
Previous knowledge abou the universe.
The students will learn how to communicate the results of the project.
Understan and use different forms to recolect information.
Understand teh function of different video editors.
The students will learn how to develope a plan for a project
Understan and use different forms to recolect information.
Kids will be avle to watch the resoults of their clasmmates
The students will learn how to develope a a project
Understan and use different forms to recolect information.
Actividades Docente
Third session
Give the instruccions of different activities.
Explain each activity.
solve doubts.
Reproduce the video of develope a plan.
Review first activities
Take attendance list
Contact those students who are not conecting frecuently.
Open assigment on dojo portfolio
First session
Give the instruccions of different activities.
Explain each activity.
solve doubts.
Reproduce the video of develope a plan.
Review first activities
Take attendance list
Contact those students who are not conecting frecuently.
Open assigment on dojo portfolio
Keep the order an respect during the presentation
Give motivation words to the students liike good job.
Second session
Give the instruccions of different activities.
Explain each activity.
solve doubts.
Reproduce the video of develope a plan.
Review first activities
Take attendance list
Contact those students who are not conecting frecuently.
Open assigment on dojo portfolio
Actividades Estudiante
Second Session May 12th, 13th, and 14th
May 12th Work on guia santillana pages 348 and 349
Translate exercises 4 and 5
Discuss the results together
solve doubts
May 13th Based on the exercise 3 of the page 349 students will answer that question based on their own theme
Review the last part of the project,
Give the instruction of the video what are they gonna record
Where they express their project in 2 minutes
formal dressed and a good background
solve doubts.
May 14th They are gonna share their information with the rest of the class of the pages 340 and 341.
Review second part of the project. review details of the projects
First Session May 4th, 5th, and 6th
May 4th Work on guia santillana pages 344 and 346
Translate exercises 2, 3 and 5
May 5th Based on the exercise 4 of the page 345 students will choose one theme and star to investigate that theme the will present a report of what they found.
May 6th They are gonna share their information with the rest of the class.
Present and support their final product.
Upload to classdojo portfolio
Second Session May 7th, 8th, and 11th
May 7th Work on guia santillana pages 346 and 347
Translate exercises 5 and 6
Discuss the results together
solve doubts
May 8th Based on the exercise 3 of the page 346 students will answer that question based on their own theme
Review the firsta part of the project,
answer guia santillana page 340 and 341
solve doubts.
May 11th They are gonna share their information with the rest of the class of the pages 340 and 341.
Review second part of the project.
Each page og guia Santillana 1 point.
Each evidence on class dojo portfolio 2 points
Video of the project 7 points
Total 10 points
Proyecto Creado Por Gabriela NuÑEz Utilizando A
*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.