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Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Unit 6 .What Food Is Important? Jun 01 To Jun 05 2020

Unit 6 .What Food Is Important? Jun 01 To Jun 05 2020

Publicado el 31 Mayo de 2020

Autor: flor soto


Students will receive instructions when connecting online about what will be done during each class and steps to follow. Then they will reconnect to continue and finish the class.

LANGUAJE INSTRUCTION AND COMUNICATION: The students will watch a video related to the unit in which the vocabulary will be practiced and the games that come every day will be played. Later we will carry out work in the work book of unit 6 where the students will put into practice their vocabulary and skills to recognize each expected learning. 

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 5-6 años

Duración: 2hrs. with a 15-minute break each days 2hrs. with a 15-minute break each days 2hrs. with a 15-minute break each days 2hrs. with a 15-minute break each days 2hrs. with a 15-minute break each days








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LITERACY: listen to, understand, and answer questions about a poem andtheir favorite food. Listen to, understand and retell a story about utensils and food and lunchboxes. Retell a story about recipies and healthy snacks.


PHYSICAL AND DEVELOPMENT AND HELATH: Identify nutritrious food. Use a hygienic measures when eating or handling food. Learn about food that is healthy and unhealthy.

MATHEMATICAL THINKING: Identify and werite missing numbers to 50. Use appropiate languaje for measures and mass. Identify more and fewer objects in a set. Use shapes to make other shapes. Add one to a number. Classyfiying things according to their  characteritics.

LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION AND COMMUNICATION: Use target languaje to: Talk about different meals during the day. Talking about bad eating habbits. Talk about healthy food and snacks. Talk about their favorite food. Talk about their lounch. Talk about how to prepare a healthy snack.

PERSONAL, SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Learn about the importance of being polite during meals. Take care of personal belongings. Learn to wash fruits and vegetables before eating them. Learn the importance of wahsing hands before meals. Talk about the importance of eating a healthy lounch. Learn to share food with others.




  • Students must connect at the time stipulated by the teacher.
  • Students must send to the classdojo portfolio only the activities that the teacher indicates.
  • Students  Must be willing to work in class.


SESION 5: -Students will watch a video called "The Fruit Party" day 10 where we will watch and sometimes play games.

-Students will idetify and say words with initial /g/ and /h/ sounds.

-Students will watch a voideo about letter g and h.Studetns will write the letter g and draw someething that begins with the letter g in their notebooks..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QfkmyqOPeQ

.Students will watch a video about letter/h/ . They will wrtite the leeter /h/ and daw somenting that start ewith the letter /h/. in their notebooks.

-Students will do page 167 student book. They are going to draw a word that begin with the letter g and one with the letter h.



season 1 : JUN 01/2020

-Students will watch a video called "The Fruit Party" day 6 where we will watch and sometimes play games.

-Students will use shapes to make other shapes. 

-student will watch a video about shapes.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJhfl5vdxp4&t=4s  also they are goun to draw some shapes in thier notebooks..

-Students will work on page 162. At the end of his student book on page 245 are the figures that will be cut to fill the triangles.


SESION 3: JUN/03/2020

-Students will watch a video called "The Fruit Party" day 8 where we will watch and sometimes play games.


-Students will count the number of seeds found in different types of fruit and record findings. page.164. and 165.and watch a video about wash your hands.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L89nN03pBzI

-Students will watch a video about number. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0Ajq682yrA,

SESION 4: JUN/04/2020

-Students will watch a video called "The Fruit Party" day 9 where we will watch and sometimes play games.

-Students will watch a video about lounch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h8NDskFLkU and finally listen a retail a story about lunch. make page 166.

-Students will draw an color their lounch, in their notebooks.


SESION 2. JUN/02/2020

-Students will watch a video called "The Fruit Party" day 7 where we will watch and sometimes play games.

-Students will talk about their favorite food. then will listen and draw in their notebooks pag. 163 .

- Students will watch a vodeo about fruit.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frN3nvhIHUk

-Students will draw their favorite food on their notebooks and color.



Actividades Docente

Teacher Activities: Play videos, do relaxation activities, do activities in the book, then log out. Then after 15 minutes of rest, connect again and stay with the students who did not finish or need more support.


Teacher Activities: Play videos, do relaxation activities, do activities in the book, then log out. Then after 15 minutes of rest, connect again and stay with the students who did not finish or need more support.

Teacher Activities: Play videos, do relaxation activities, do activities in the book, then log out. Then after 15 minutes of rest, connect again and stay with the students who did not finish or need more support.

Teacher Activities: Play videos, do relaxation activities, do activities in the book, then log out. Then after 15 minutes of rest, connect again and stay with the students who did not finish or need more support.

Teacher Activities: Play videos, do relaxation activities, do activities in the book, then log out. Then after 15 minutes of rest, connect again and stay with the students who did not finish or need more support.

Actividades Estudiante

Student Activity: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Student Activity: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Student Activity: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Student Activity: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.

Student Activity: Watch the videos, do activities to relax, do the activity together and  ask the teacher for support if you have any questions.


Carry out the activities in the books that teacher ask for and the assistance.



Students will have to carry out the activities of the books since this way they will have as evidence their works done.


Proyecto Creado Por Flor Soto Utilizando A Eduteka.org

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*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 5-6 años

Duración: 2hrs. with a 15-minute break each days 2hrs. with a 15-minute break each days 2hrs. with a 15-minute break each days 2hrs. with a 15-minute break each days 2hrs. with a 15-minute break each days








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