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Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés 4Th A Ell February 8Th To 19Th

4Th A Ell February 8Th To 19Th

Publicado el 09 Febrero de 2021

Autor: Alberto Robles


Feb 8-9

Unit 3 Assessment: Students will be assessed in their knowledge of the vocabulary (spelling words) and conventions (action & linking verbs, main & helping verbs, subject-verb agreement, past, present & future tenses, irregular verbs) lessons from Unit 3, as well as their reading comprehension skills (Graphic sources, Draw conclusions, Fact & Opinion, Text Structure).

Feb 10-12

In the second part of the week, we will start with Unit 4: Puzzles and Mysteries. As usual we'll focus in developing the vocabulary they need before reading the main story, then we'll work on the reading skills needed for the main selection, The Case of the Gasping Garbage (realistic fiction), and we'll go over the grammar lesson for this first week: singular & plural nouns.

Feb 15-18

This is going to be a short week but we'll attempt to cover Unit 4 week 2 content, helping students to understand the reasons for the Pink Dolphin of the Amazon (expository text), and help them develop mastery of the kinds of pronouns that are most used in English.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 13-14 años

Duración: 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 8th. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 9th. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 10th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 11th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 12th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 15th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 17th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 16th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 18th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics.


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Monday-Tuesday: To evaluate the students dominance of spelling words and grammar lessons of Unit 3.

Unit 4 Week 1: Students will understant that what you think you see could be optical illusion that's deceiving your mind; could be an illusionthat's altering your perception; and is not always the truth as it initially appears.

Unit 4 week 2: Students will understand that animals have amazing abilities, adapt to their environments, can adapt to survive, and interact with people.


Google Classroom 4th A ELL 2nd Qtr, Classdojo, Quizlet.com, Kahoot.it, Nearpod, Savvas Realize, Symbaloo, Liveworksheets.com

Workbook (Reader's and Writer's Notebook) & ELL Notebook

Zoom.us (ID 7402809363) (Password Alfa2020)


Access to Google Classroom (all the activities from Savvas Realize will be found in Classroom) and Google Forms 

Quizlet.com (to do vocabulary activities), Kahoot.it (to do grammar activities), liveworksheets.com, symbaloo

Workbook (language, reading & writing skills, conventions pages)

Zoom.us (ID 7402809363) (Password Alfa2020)


Assessment of Unit 3 in Savvas, Unit 3 Test

Assessment of Unit 3 in Kahoot & LiveWorksheets, conventions and spelling words.

Start Unit 4 content and estimulate students to keep up the good work up to now. Focus: new vocabulary and reading strategies. Question of the Unit: Is there an explanation for everything?

Unit 3 Week 1 reading skills, cause and effect, compare and contrast, visualize, vocabulary words (synonyms and antonyms), spelling words (contractions), main story (1st read). 

Story of the Week, 2nd read, paired and Sleuth selections. Writing task: Mystery. Conventions: Singular and Plural Pronouns.

This week students will have to answer the question: why do animals behave the way they do? and the vocabular and reading strategies will help them pave the understanding of the main selection for the week, Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon.

Solve the vocabulary and spelling word pages in the workbook. Read the story of the week (2nd read). Solve the Think Critically section. Continue the instruction on how to write a song, read the Sleuth selection. 

Assess students' previous knowledge on writing a song. Read the story of the week (1st read). Sneak preview of the Think Critically section, retell the story. 

Teach the grammar lesson, kind of pronouns, practice in the workbook, possibly in liveworksheets. 

Read the Paired selection

Assess students' knowledge on the spelling words and grammar lesson, reading skills and read some of the songs made by the students. 

Assess students' reading pace and fluency, WCPM, register in the list. Target: 130 wpm, minimum 105-115 wpm

Actividades Docente

Set up Unit 3 Test in Savvas, via Google Classroom assignment, display the test in screen, explain instructions, read stories, questions and answers.

Set up assignments in Google Classroom for students to open Unit 3 Test conventions in Kahoot.it then Unit 3 Test spelling words in Liveworksheets. Help them understand the instructions and how to deal with the different exercises. Monitor progress and capture grades in Classroom.

Display Unit 4 cover page, elicit and predict content through the title and the Big Question, brainstorm answers to the big question, show the big question video. Display content for the whole unit. Show unit 4 week 1 video and question for the week. Display the objectives for these first 2 weeks. Play Quizlet live and Kahoot as diagnostic.

Use Savvas portal, vocabulary activities. Play word bingo to practice spelling words. Use Reading Street to teach reading skills, comprehension skills, vocabulary and spelling words and provide students with the first read of the story of the week.

Open Quizlet and do an activity with the students. Display the story of the week, play audio, monitor and answer any doubts or questions from Students. Provide instructions on how to do the writing task of the week (assign it as homework) and samples. Work out the conventions of the week through the workbook.

First, play Quizlet live with spelling words from Unit 4 week 2. Show the video of the week and discuss on elements they can remember. Elicit topic and content by discussing on the pictures, Students' Book.

Second, work in the language needed for week 2, first the amazing words through teacher's Book, then the vocabulary words through Savvas. Have Ss copy the spelling words in their notebook. Use Savvas portal to learn pronunciation, meaning and use of the vocabulary cards.

Third, teach on the reading skills for the week through the video about compare and contrast and practice the skill through the short story.

Show the writing lesson from Savvas. Allow Ss to read the main story (2nd read), monitor the think critically section (make questions to random Ss), let them read the Sleuth selection. Help them solve the vocabulary and spelling word pages from the workbook.

Show the pages about writing a song from the workbook. Display the story of the week, let Ss read, monitor and answer any doubts or questions from Students. Read out the points in the think critically section. Teach the grammar lesson through the workbook. Read the Paired selection.

Open a quizlet live session for Ss to do a final practice before the dictation (spelling quiz). Open the same Kahoot as the beginning of the week for Ss to be assessed in the grammar lesson,  have some students read as many words as they can in 1 minute.

Actividades Estudiante

Open test through Google Classroom, record answers in notebook and load them in Savvas.

Finish the test in Savvas, load the answers and send it for revision. Do the Kahoot as well as the interactive worksheets with the spelling words activities.

Participate attentively in the open discussions, share any expectatives, predict content, watch videos, copy any interesting element or objective they would like to pursue, research or investigate. Participate in Quizlet and Kahoot.

Do the vocabulary activities in Savvas, read together the previous readings and the main story, share any first impression on the story of the week.

Participate in Quizlet, read main story, paired and Sleuth selections, prepare for the writing task (plan homework). Answer pages in the workbook.

Watch the videos, images and readings with attention, participate in the sharing aloud, copy the spelling words into the notebook, play Quizlet live and Kahoot about the kinds of pronouns.

Read aloud as requested, participate in the think critically activity, read the Sleuth selection, do a Quizlet activity, write the 3rd column of the spelling words in the notebook, solve pages from the workbook.

Participate in Quizlet, write down the 2nd column of the spelling words in the notebook, watch the lesson about writing a song, read the story of the week (or listen attentively), watch the grammar lesson and answer the exercises in the workbook. 

Participate in Quizlet live, spelling quiz, Kahoot, and read with fluency in 1 minute.


Unit 3 Tests (Savvas, Kahoot, and Liveworksheets); Vocabulary and Grammar games, weekly test, workbook pages, writing tasks, and wcpm chart.


Thank you to Colegio  Bilingue ALFA, Savvas Realize, Google Classroom, Quizlet.com, Nearpod.com, Kahoot.com, Zoom.us, Liveworksheets, Symbaloo.


Proyecto Creado Por Alberto Robles Utilizando A Eduteka.org

Responsive image

*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 13-14 años

Duración: 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 8th. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 9th. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 10th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 11th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 12th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 15th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 17th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 16th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics. 3 sessions of 40 minutes each on Monday, February 18th. 10:20 to 10:30 Jolly Phonics.


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