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Proyecto Ciencias Sociales Historia 3 History 8Th Sep 7

3 History 8Th Sep 7

Publicado el 06 Septiembre de 2020

Autor: Magda Quintero


In this book you will understand the dimensions of space and time; With them, you will locate events or processes from the past of our country and relate them to the present. You will be able to understand the causes and consequences of historical processes, as well as value cultural diversity as a way to promote respect between people and different human groups. We welcome you to your second year of high school Mexico History book. This work will provide you with a space for reflection so that you can learn how historical knowledge is built and its relevance to life.

Ficha técnica

Área:Ciencias Sociales


Edad: - Entre 17 y mas de 17 años - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 40 min Teacher will instruct students to read of various sources that remaiin to be investigated. Construction of events, personal objects, tools , coins, weapons, etc. and to undestand that all needs to be included as part of a good historical document. 40 min 40 min Teacher will ask students to investigate the different sources mentioned in this sequence and ask them to determine wether they are a source that can be used for historical purposes. 40 min 40 min 40 minutos


Diagramas de flujo - proceso






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What is history? In this term you will understand the construction of historical knowledge by reflecting, first of all, on the concept of history, its object of study and the various interpretations that may exist of the events of the past


santillana guide in spanish translated by teacher

google classroom




The interpretation of historical events is transformed by recent findings, as new sources are found or new historical subjects are studied. The activities that take place in a society can have different meanings at different times. There are also differences between the ideas of people at the same time regarding the same historical event.

SEQUENCE 3 - Session 4 pg 36 - 37

Various sources Finally, we call the rest of the materials of various types various sources. These can be everyday objects and may or may not have writing. Their importance lies in the fact that they provide information on the time in which they were created and used.



Session 2 - Sequence 2 pg 32

Classificacion of historical sources - primary sources and secondary sources

The geographical space can also influence the topic of interest of a researcher and his interpretation of the past. An accident, such as a sea, a river or a mountain, could be the starting point to analyze some specific aspect (organization, culture or economy) of a community or a group of them.

SEQUENCE 2 - sesion 3 pg 34 - 35


Written sources 

This group includes any work that involves the transmission of knowledge through written language (whether printed, handwritten or digital), such as books, magazines, newspapers, letters, newspapers, etc.


Historical Sources

Will learn about the different historical sources historians use to build History.

All people are historical subjects, because our daily actions contribute to making history. From the way we live, dress, eat, work or talk to how we behave in our environment.

HISTORICAL MEMORY Memory can be defined as the ability to recall knowledge about a specific situation. This is the purpose of this sequence.

Actividades Docente

Teacher will guide students to read  both historical events and the interpretation. pg 27 - 29



Ss will review and read about the different sources.  Create a graphic table with their findings.

See in class the difference between primary and secondary sources. See the examples on pg 31 and discuss in class to clear any questions students might have

A fact that currently affects the population is pollution, produced by human activity. In pairs, research in written or electronic sources the problems and solutions that three countries have developed regarding this problem. By knowing the position of different countries, you will be able to identify perspectives that can be offered on the same event.

Ss will revise the different sources mentioned in this session and will determine wether they are a source for historical purposes or not.  discuss in class.

Teacher guide this weeks sequence by asking questions about the painting on pg 30

What historical fact corresponds to this image? • Who do you think are the protagonists of the image? Why? • There are different characters from the population represented in the codex, which ones do you recognize? What is each one doing? • Do you think that an image like this helps us to learn about some historical event? Why?

Teacher will explain how history was built by studying the most important people in societies, kings, royalty, etc.   But the inclusion of all society is pertinent to the correct interpretation of history.  Therefore teacher needs to let ss know of the importance of this fact. pgs  24 -25

Teacher will ask students what they think Historical memory is.  Write their answers in powerpoint. Explain what it is and how it helps historians build the sttories we read today from the past.

Actividades Estudiante

Ss will discuss in class and write a summary of the different interpretations of both texts.

Ss will complte diagram on pg 31 in order to make sure they understand the difference between primary and secondary sources.

A fact that currently affects the population is pollution, produced by human activity. In pairs, research in written or electronic sources the problems and solutions that three countries have developed regarding this problem. By knowing the position of different countries, you will be able to identify perspectives that can be offered on the same event.

Ss will answer the questions teacher has asked in class.  Will write conclusions in google classroom assignment.

Students will read and complete the activity assigned by teacher.

Students will participate actively and will analize how they are part of historical memories that have been past from generations to generations.


Ss will be evaluated on a dialy basis according to the different products that need to be completed each day.




Proyecto Creado Por Magda Quintero Utilizando A Eduteka.org

Responsive image

*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

Ficha técnica

Área:Ciencias Sociales


Edad: - Entre 17 y mas de 17 años - No hay restriccion de edad

Duración: 40 min Teacher will instruct students to read of various sources that remaiin to be investigated. Construction of events, personal objects, tools , coins, weapons, etc. and to undestand that all needs to be included as part of a good historical document. 40 min 40 min Teacher will ask students to investigate the different sources mentioned in this sequence and ask them to determine wether they are a source that can be used for historical purposes. 40 min 40 min 40 minutos


Diagramas de flujo - proceso






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