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Proyecto Lengua Extranjera Inglés Why Is Food Important? June 1-15

Why Is Food Important? June 1-15

Publicado el 31 Mayo de 2020

Autor: Janeth Sainz


Literacy, phonemic awareness, language instruction and communication:

listens to dialogue about favorite foods.

Identifies and says words with the initial /g/, /h/, /j/, and /k/ sounds.

Talks about different meals during the day and what we eat.

Talk about our favorite food.

Talks about the food in their lunchbox.

Talk about why healthy food is important and which snacks are not good for us.

Mathematical thinking:

Adds one to a number.

Classifies food.

Identifies and writes missing numbers to 50.

Identifies objects in a set. (more/fewer)

Uses shapes to make other shapes.

Uses words to measure mass.

Exploration and knowing of the world:

Classifies food as spicy or sour, and as sweet or salty.

Counts the number of seeds found in different types of fruit and record findings.

Experiments by cutting open different types of fruit and vegetables and finding symmetrical shapes.

Knows about fruit and vegetables grown in different countries.

Knows about the utensils people from other countries use to eat.

Personal, social, and emotional development:

Knows about sharing food with others and be polite during meals.

Takes care of personal belongings including eating utensils.

Knows that it is important to wsh fruit and vegetables before you eat them, and to wash your hands.

Knows that it is important to eat a healthy school lunch.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 5-6 años

Duración: 90 MINS 90 MINS.  90 MINS  90 MINS 90 MINS 90 MINS 90 MINS 90 MINS 90 MINS 90 MINS  90 MINS






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Listen to a poem about meals at different times of the day and answer questions.

Identify and say words with the initial /g/, /h/, /j/ sound.

Identify and write missing numbers to 50.

Talk about different meals during the day and what we eat.

Classify food as sweet or salty.

Learn why it is important to be polite during meals.

Use words to measure mass.

Identify objects in a set. (more/fewer)

Talk about healthy food.












June 11th

Active learning

Student’s book page 173

Listen. Match the pictures to a /j/ or a /k/

Kite, kangaroo, king, juice, jump, ketchup, jacket, jet

Learning linker

Page 139

Circle the beginning sound.

K is for kangaroo

J is for Jell-O

J is for juice

K is for key

J is for jacket

K is for kite


June 12th

Active learning

Student’s book page 174

Point. Name. cut and paste

Resources page 233

Paste the vinegar, mango, lemon, cucumber, sauce

Extra activity

Student’s book page 175

Draw a healthy snack you like

Learning linker page 141

Trace the sentence. Circle blue the letter /j/ and red the letter /k/

June 15th

Active learning

Student’s book page 176

Listen and match.


Look, at this girl eating rice.

What’s different?

In some countries people use chopsticks.

In other countries people use knives and forks.

In some countries people use their hands.

What do you do?


Learning linker page 142

Fingerpaint the fruit.

Write the first letter of each fruit.

June 3rd

Active learning

Student’s book page 165, look and number

Little tiny germs, big, big problems. That’s why you have to wash, wash, wash your hands, just before you eat.

On the top, on the bottom, and always between.

Learning linker:

Page 133. Number the pictures

  1. wash your hands.
  2. Scrub the vegetables
  3. Make the sandwich
  4. Eat the sandwich  

Extra activity

No more germs!

Make a comic showing the importance of washing your hands.

June 4th

Active learning

Student’s book page 167

Trace the letters with 3 different colors.

Draw a word that begins with /g/ and one with /h/

Ex: hat, horse, house

Girl, grapes, gift

Learning linker

Page 142

Match the objects to the /g/ or /h/








Extra activity

Dictate 5 sounds and draw things that have those sounds.






June 9th

Active learning

Student’s book page 170

Cut out and paste pictures of spicy or sour food.

Learning linker

Page 137

Make a collage with food from your country.

June 10th

Active learning

Student’s book page 171

Listen and check the child that eats the better lunch.

-There’s lots to do in school all day.

Eat a good lunch then go and play.

Learning linker page 138

Color the fruit. Then, number the pictures in order. What happens when we ash fruit?


Extra activity

Student’s book page 172

Listen and color the snack.


Hmm, I’m hungry. I need a snack.

Let’s see: tomatoes, one, two.

I need one carrot.

I need some apple.

I need some lettuce.

My snack!

June 5th

Active learning

Student’s book page 168

Count and color one more.

Count 0 to 10, then complete the additions.

Learning linker

Page 135

Make a pictogram.

Count, draw and the vegetables on the squares.

4 cucumbers

7 carrots

5 tomatoes

Extra activity

Need: cutouts of healthy and unhealthy food, or magazine pages with lots of food.

Paste in the notebook in two groups.

Count how many food paste and write the number at the bottom of the list.

June 8th

Active learning

Student’s book page 169

Listen and match.

BOY: Hmm, lunchtime. I’m hungry. What’s in your lunch box?

GIRL: I have cheese and an apple in my lunch box. What’s in your lunch box?

BOY: I have carrots and a banana in my lunch box.


Match the cheese and apple to girl’s lunch box and the carrots and banana to boy’s lunch box.

Then, draw and say what’s in your lunch box.


Learning linker

page 136. Look and say. Then write

trace the sentence and circle blue the letter /Gg/ and red the /h/

June 1st

Active learning

Student’s book page 163. Listen and draw

ALIEN: eggs are ok,

Tomatoes are nice,

Fish is yummy.

But my favorite food in the whole wide world is onion ice cream.

GIRL: Eer, I don’t like onion ice cream, chicken is ok,

Yogurt is nice,

Bread is yummy.

But my favorite food is candy and fish.


In the circles draw the alien and girl’s favorite food.


Learning linker:

Page 131, look and say. Then write.

Trace the sentence and circle red the letter /k/

Extra activity

Draw a crazy food like the alien and girl.

June 2nd

Active learning

Student’s book page 164, count the seeds and match.

Ask: what happens if you plant a seed?

Learning linker:

Page 132 look at the sandwich. Is it healthy or unhealthy?

Make your sandwich. Draw pictures of the ingredients.

Actividades Docente

Actividades Estudiante








Proyecto Creado Por Janeth Sainz Utilizando A Eduteka.org

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*Nota: toda la información que aparece en los Proyectos de Clase y WebQuest del portal educativo Eduteka es creada por los usuarios del portal.

Ficha técnica

Área:Lengua Extranjera


Edad: - Entre 5-6 años

Duración: 90 MINS 90 MINS.  90 MINS  90 MINS 90 MINS 90 MINS 90 MINS 90 MINS 90 MINS 90 MINS  90 MINS






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