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WebQuest Ciencias Naturales Física How Does A Circuit Board Work?

How Does A Circuit Board Work?

Publicado el 16 Septiembre de 2010

Autor: Jorge Luis Mojica Bertel


The students will make a circuit quiz board as a model for working circuit boards in electronic devices. The students will work in small groups, and they need background information about the circuits and the types of circuit.

The smallest circuits used in computers are placed on silicon chips. These circuits are placed on printed circuits - plastic boards carrying a maze of tiny flat wires.

Ficha técnica

Área:Ciencias Naturales


Edad: No hay restriccion de edad


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Investigate: ¨how does a circuit board work? ¨

You are a man from the outer space who just came to our planet and need to know the behavior of the energy and its forms, but specifically the electricity; you also need the information about how the energy flows in a circuit.

You need to find information in our web about the types of circuit and how to build one.


If you want to know how a circuit board works because you as an outer space man you have no clue about this, so you do as it is said:

-       You get the following materials…, Safety google, Scissors, Index card, Cardboard, glue, a hole punch, 12 fasteners, battery, battery holder, a flashlight bulb, and its holder.

-       Fold an index card. Cut along the fold lines. You will need 12 squares.

-       Write a question of each of six squares, on the other six write the answers.

-       Glue the questions on the left side of the card board and the answers on the right side.

-       Punch a hole to each next question and answer. Put a fastener through each hole.

-       On the back of the card board, use a piece of wire to connect the fastener for each question with the fastener for the correct answer.

-       Connect the battery bulb and wires.

-       Touch one testing wire to the fastener next to a question.

-       Touch the other testing wire to the fastener next to the correct answer.

-       Get help from someone of the planet Earth


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ExnSF7eVVQ (Video about circuit boards)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymRwIUNlEL4 (Video about electric circuit)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj2SJHGtZ78 (Video about common types of circuits)

http://gwydir.demon.co.uk/jo/elect/index.htm  (web page about make an electric circuit on line)

http://www.autoshop101.com/trainmodules/elec_circuits/circ101.html (web page electrical circuit)

http://mark.madscientist.ws/ (web page about electrical circuit  simulator) 


PREDICT: What will happen if you touch the testing wires on your model to two items that match?



-       What did you observe when you touched the testing wires to 2 items that matched?

-       What can you infer from your observation?

-       Suppose the test wire touched 2 matching items but the bulb did not light. What could be wrong?



How can you wire your game board using the shortest length of wire between matching answers without crossing any wires? Make a plan to answer this and any other questions you may have.


Scoring criteria





Student followed instructions to make a model of an electric quiz board





Students used a wire to connect each item and its match and connected the battery, light, wires and bulb





Student predicted what would happen if the testing wires touched 2 items that matched





Student described what was observed and made on inference from the observation





Student explained what could be wrong if the wire touched matching item but the bulb did not light






Students must wear safety googles and to be careful with the lights and Sharp ends of the wires, besides you must be helped by some grown ups.


Proyecto Creado Por Jorge Luis Mojica Bertel - Utilizando A Eduteka.org

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Ficha técnica

Área:Ciencias Naturales


Edad: No hay restriccion de edad


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